
Type members


case class CollectorConfig(collectorName: String, labels: List[(String, String)]) extends BaseCollectorConfig

Represents the name of a collector, together with label names and values. The same labels must be always returned, and in the same order.

Represents the name of a collector, together with label names and values. The same labels must be always returned, and in the same order.

case class HistogramCollectorConfig(collectorName: String, labels: List[(String, String)], buckets: List[Double]) extends BaseCollectorConfig

Represents the name of a collector with configurable histogram buckets.

Represents the name of a collector with configurable histogram buckets.

class PrometheusListener(requestToHistogramNameMapper: RequestT[Identity, _, _] => Option[HistogramCollectorConfig], requestToInProgressGaugeNameMapper: RequestT[Identity, _, _] => Option[CollectorConfig], requestToSuccessCounterMapper: Response[_] => Option[CollectorConfig], requestToErrorCounterMapper: Response[_] => Option[CollectorConfig], requestToFailureCounterMapper: ((RequestT[Identity, _, _], Exception)) => Option[CollectorConfig], requestToSizeSummaryMapper: RequestT[Identity, _, _] => Option[CollectorConfig], responseToSizeSummaryMapper: Response[_] => Option[CollectorConfig], collectorRegistry: CollectorRegistry, histogramsCache: ConcurrentHashMap[String, Histogram], gaugesCache: ConcurrentHashMap[String, Gauge], countersCache: ConcurrentHashMap[String, Counter], summariesCache: ConcurrentHashMap[String, Summary]) extends RequestListener[Identity, RequestCollectors]