
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type RequestCollectors = (Option[Timer], Option[Child])

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[F[_], P](delegate: SttpBackend[F, P], requestToHistogramNameMapper: RequestT[Identity, _, _] => Option[HistogramCollectorConfig], requestToInProgressGaugeNameMapper: RequestT[Identity, _, _] => Option[CollectorConfig], responseToSuccessCounterMapper: Response[_] => Option[CollectorConfig], responseToErrorCounterMapper: Response[_] => Option[CollectorConfig], requestToFailureCounterMapper: (RequestT[Identity, _, _], Throwable) => Option[CollectorConfig], requestToSizeSummaryMapper: RequestT[Identity, _, _] => Option[CollectorConfig], responseToSizeSummaryMapper: Response[_] => Option[CollectorConfig], collectorRegistry: CollectorRegistry): SttpBackend[F, P]
def clear(collectorRegistry: CollectorRegistry): Unit

Clear cached collectors (gauges and histograms) both from the given collector registry, and from the backend.

Clear cached collectors (gauges and histograms) both from the given collector registry, and from the backend.