
case class Auth[T, TYPE <: AuthType](input: Single[T], challenge: WWWAuthenticateChallenge, authType: TYPE, info: AuthInfo) extends Single[T]

An input with authentication credentials metadata, used when generating documentation.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Single[T]
trait EndpointInput[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def attribute[A](k: AttributeKey[A]): Option[A]
def attribute[A](k: AttributeKey[A], v: A): Auth[T, TYPE]
def challengeRealm(realm: String): Auth[T, TYPE]
def description(d: String): Auth[T, TYPE]
def group(g: String): Auth[T, TYPE]

Authentication inputs in the same group will always become a single security requirement in the documentation (requiring all authentication methods), even if they are all optional.

Authentication inputs in the same group will always become a single security requirement in the documentation (requiring all authentication methods), even if they are all optional.

override def map[U](mapping: Mapping[T, U]): Auth[U, TYPE]
Definition Classes
def requiredScopes(requiredScopes: Seq[String])(implicit ev: TYPE =:= OAuth2): Auth[T, ScopedOAuth2]
def securitySchemeName: Option[String]
def securitySchemeName(name: String): Auth[T, TYPE]
override def show: String
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def /[U, TU](other: EndpointInput[U])(implicit concat: Aux[T, U, TU]): EndpointInput[TU]
Inherited from:
def and[U, TU](other: EndpointInput[U])(implicit concat: Aux[T, U, TU]): EndpointInput[TU]
Inherited from:
def map[U](f: T => U)(g: U => T): ThisType[U]
Inherited from:
def mapDecode[U](f: T => DecodeResult[U])(g: U => T): ThisType[U]
Inherited from:
inline def mapTo[CASE_CLASS <: Product](using mc: ProductOf[CASE_CLASS]): ThisType[CASE_CLASS]
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
def validate(v: Validator[T]): ThisType[T]
Inherited from: