
case class FilesOptions[F[_]](calculateETag: MonadError[F] => File => F[Option[ETag]], fileFilter: List[String] => Boolean, defaultFile: Option[List[String]])
Value parameters:

path segments (relative to the system path from which files are read) of the file to return in case the one requested by the user isn't found. This is useful for SPA apps, where the same main application file needs to be returned regardless of the path.


A file will be exposed only if this function returns true.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def calculateETag(f: File => F[Option[ETag]]): FilesOptions[F]
def defaultFile(d: List[String]): FilesOptions[F]

Path segments (relative to the system path from which files are read) of the file to return in case the one requested by the user isn't found. This is useful for SPA apps, where the same main application file needs to be returned regardless of the path.

Path segments (relative to the system path from which files are read) of the file to return in case the one requested by the user isn't found. This is useful for SPA apps, where the same main application file needs to be returned regardless of the path.

def fileFilter(f: List[String] => Boolean): FilesOptions[F]

A file will be exposed only if this function returns true.

A file will be exposed only if this function returns true.

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: