

Adapters between typed and classic actors and actor systems. The underlying ActorSystem is the classic akka.actor.ActorSystem which runs Akka Typed akka.actor.typed.Behavior on an emulation layer. In this system typed and classic actors can coexist.

Adapters between typed and classic actors and actor systems. The underlying ActorSystem is the classic akka.actor.ActorSystem which runs Akka Typed akka.actor.typed.Behavior on an emulation layer. In this system typed and classic actors can coexist.

Use these adapters with import akka.actor.typed.scaladsl.adapter._.

Implicit extension methods are added to classic and typed ActorSystem, ActorContext. Such methods make it possible to create typed child actor from classic parent actor, and the opposite classic child from typed parent. watch is also supported in both directions.

There is an implicit conversion from classic akka.actor.ActorRef to typed akka.actor.typed.ActorRef.

There are also converters (toTyped, toClassic) from typed akka.actor.typed.ActorRef to classic akka.actor.ActorRef, and between classic akka.actor.ActorSystem and typed akka.actor.typed.ActorSystem.