Class NucleotideInsertion

    • Constructor Detail

      • NucleotideInsertion

        public NucleotideInsertion​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                   NucleotideRange position,
                                   NucleotideSeqDescription seq)
        onlyPredicted - whether the change was only predicted
        position - range of length one giving the insertion position
        seq - description of the inserted sequence
    • Method Detail

      • buildWithOffsetWithoutSeqDescription

        public static NucleotideInsertion buildWithOffsetWithoutSeqDescription​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                                               int firstPos,
                                                                               int firstOffset,
                                                                               int lastPos,
                                                                               int lastOffset)
        Build without any sequence description
        onlyPredicted - whether or not to add marker for "only predicted"
        firstPos - begin position of insertion
        firstOffset - offset for begin position of insertion
        lastPos - end position of insertion
        lastOffset - offset for end position of insertion
        Resulting NucleotideInsertion
      • buildWithOffsetWithLength

        public static NucleotideInsertion buildWithOffsetWithLength​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                                    int firstPos,
                                                                    int firstOffset,
                                                                    int lastPos,
                                                                    int lastOffset,
                                                                    int insertedLength)
        Build with length information
        onlyPredicted - whether or not to add marker for "only predicted"
        firstPos - begin position of insertion
        firstOffset - offset for begin position of insertion
        lastPos - end position of insertion
        lastOffset - offset for end position of insertion
        insertedLength - the number of inserted bases
        Resulting NucleotideInsertion
      • buildWithOffsetWithSequence

        public static NucleotideInsertion buildWithOffsetWithSequence​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                                      int firstPos,
                                                                      int firstOffset,
                                                                      int lastPos,
                                                                      int lastOffset,
                                                                      String seq)
        Build with sequence
        onlyPredicted - whether or not to add marker for "only predicted"
        firstPos - begin position of insertion
        firstOffset - offset for begin position of insertion
        lastPos - end position of insertion
        lastOffset - offset for end position of insertion
        seq - the inserted sequence
        Resulting NucleotideInsertion
      • buildWithLength

        public static NucleotideInsertion buildWithLength​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                          int firstPos,
                                                          int lastPos)
        Build without offset and no sequence description
        onlyPredicted - whether or not to add marker for "only predicted"
        firstPos - begin position of insertion
        lastPos - end position of insertion
        Resulting NucleotideInsertion
      • buildWithLength

        public static NucleotideInsertion buildWithLength​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                          int firstPos,
                                                          int lastPos,
                                                          int insertedLength)
        Build without offset and with length information
        onlyPredicted - whether or not to add marker for "only predicted"
        firstPos - begin position of insertion
        lastPos - end position of insertion
        insertedLength - the number of inserted bases
        Resulting NucleotideInsertion
      • buildWithSequence

        public static NucleotideInsertion buildWithSequence​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                            int firstPos,
                                                            int lastPos,
                                                            String seq)
        Build without offset and with sequence
        onlyPredicted - whether or not to add marker for "only predicted"
        firstPos - begin position of insertion
        lastPos - end position of insertion
        seq - the inserted sequence
        Resulting NucleotideInsertion
      • getRange

        public NucleotideRange getRange()
        range of length 1 with the two bases between which the sequence is inserted