Class ProteinDeletion

    • Constructor Detail

      • ProteinDeletion

        public ProteinDeletion​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                               ProteinRange range)
        Construct ProteinDeletion without length and sequence information
      • ProteinDeletion

        public ProteinDeletion​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                               ProteinRange range,
                               int length)
        Construct ProteinDeletion with length information
      • ProteinDeletion

        public ProteinDeletion​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                               ProteinRange range,
                               String seq)
        Construct ProteinDeletion with sequence information
    • Method Detail

      • buildWithoutSeqDescription

        public static ProteinDeletion buildWithoutSeqDescription​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                                 String firstAA,
                                                                 int firstPos,
                                                                 String lastAA,
                                                                 int lastPos)
        Construct ProteinDeletion without length and sequence information
      • buildWithLength

        public static ProteinDeletion buildWithLength​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                      String firstAA,
                                                      int firstPos,
                                                      String lastAA,
                                                      int lastPos,
                                                      int length)
        Construct ProteinDeletion with length information
      • buildWithSequence

        public static ProteinDeletion buildWithSequence​(boolean onlyPredicted,
                                                        String firstAA,
                                                        int firstPos,
                                                        String lastAA,
                                                        int lastPos,
                                                        String seq)
        Construct ProteinDeletion with sequence
      • getRange

        public ProteinRange getRange()
        deleted range in the protein
      • withOnlyPredicted

        public ProteinChange withOnlyPredicted​(boolean onlyPredicted)
        Specified by:
        withOnlyPredicted in class ProteinChange
        ProteinChange object with prediction state set to the one given by the parameter