



package fscape

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait GE extends Product

    The main trait used in an FScape graph, a graph element, abbreviated as GE.

    The main trait used in an FScape graph, a graph element, abbreviated as GE.

    A lot of operations on GE are defined separately in GEOps1 and GEOps2

    See also



  2. final class GEComplexOps extends AnyVal
  3. final class GEOps1 extends AnyVal

    GEOps1 are operations for graph elements (GE).

    GEOps1 are operations for graph elements (GE). Instead of having these operations directly defined in each element, which is a huge list, they appear here as extension methods. GEOps1 are unary operators, whereas GEOps2 are binary and n-ary operators.

    See also



  4. final class GEOps2 extends AnyVal

    GEOps2 are operations for graph elements (GE).

    GEOps2 are operations for graph elements (GE). Instead of having these operations directly defined in each element, which is a huge list, they appear here as extension methods. GEOps1 are unary operators, whereas GEOps2 are binary and n-ary operators.

    See also



  5. final case class Graph(sources: IndexedSeq[Lazy]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. trait Lazy extends Product

    Elements implementing the Lazy trait may participate in the building of a Graph body.

    Elements implementing the Lazy trait may participate in the building of a Graph body. They can be added to the current graph by calling Graph.builder.addLazy. Then, when the graph is expanded, the force method is called on those registered elements, allowing them to either spawn new graph elements or actually expand to UGens which can be added to the ugen graph builder argument.

    In most cases, lazy elements will expanded to ugens, and thus the subtype Lazy.Expander is the most convenient way to implement this trait, as it already does most of the logic, and provides for GEs expand method.

    See also


  7. trait Ops extends AnyRef
  8. sealed trait UGen extends Product

    A UGen during graph building process is a more rich thing than RawUGen: it implements equality based on isIndividual status and may be omitted from the final graph based on hasSideEffect status.

  9. final case class UGenGraph(runnable: RunnableGraph[NotUsed]) extends Product with Serializable
  10. sealed trait UGenIn extends UGenInLike

    An element that can be used as an input to a UGen.

    An element that can be used as an input to a UGen. This is after multi-channel-expansion, hence implementing classes are SingleOutUGen, UGenOutProxy, ControlOutProxy, and Constant.

  11. sealed trait UGenInLike extends GE
  12. sealed trait UGenSource[U, S] extends Expander[U]

Value Members

  1. object BuildInfo extends Product with Serializable

    This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

  2. object Filter
  3. object GE
  4. object Graph extends Serializable
  5. object Lazy
  6. object Log
  7. object Ops extends Ops
  8. object UGen
  9. object UGenGraph extends Serializable
  10. object UGenInLike
  11. object UGenSource
  12. object Util
