



package stream

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. stream
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AsyncFileBuffer[A] extends AnyRef

    A file buffer is similar to a monophonic 64-bit float sound file.

    A file buffer is similar to a monophonic 64-bit float sound file. As opposed to AsyncAudioFile, it exposes other array types to the use site.

  2. trait AsyncFileBufferD extends AsyncFileBuffer[Double]
  3. trait AsyncFileBufferI extends AsyncFileBuffer[Int]
  4. trait AsyncFileBufferL extends AsyncFileBuffer[Long]
  5. final class BufD extends BufLike
  6. type BufElem[A] = BufLike { type Elem = A }
  7. final class BufI extends BufLike
  8. final class BufL extends BufLike
  9. abstract class BufLike extends AnyRef
  10. trait Builder extends AnyRef
  11. final case class Cancelled() extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  12. trait Control extends ControlPlatform
  13. trait ControlImplPlatform extends AnyRef
  14. trait ControlPlatform extends AnyRef
  15. trait FileBuffer[A] extends AnyRef

    A file buffer is similar to a monophonic 64-bit float sound file.

    A file buffer is similar to a monophonic 64-bit float sound file. As opposed to AudioFile, it supports 64-bit resolution and does not perform any internal caching.

  16. trait FileBufferD extends FileBuffer[Double]
  17. trait FileBufferI extends FileBuffer[Int]
  18. trait FileBufferL extends FileBuffer[Long]
  19. type GBuilder =[NotUsed]
  20. type InA = Inlet[BufLike]
  21. type InD = Inlet[BufD]
  22. type InI = Inlet[BufI]
  23. type InL = Inlet[BufL]
  24. type Layer = Int
  25. trait Node extends AnyRef
  26. trait NodeHasInit extends Node
  27. type OutA = Outlet[BufLike]
  28. type OutD = Outlet[BufD]
  29. type OutElem[A] = Outlet[BufElem[A]]
  30. type OutI = Outlet[BufI]
  31. type OutL = Outlet[BufL]
  32. type Signal[A] = FlowOps[A, NotUsed]
  33. trait SlidingPlatform extends AnyRef
  34. trait StreamIn extends AnyRef
  35. type StreamInElem[A1, Buf1 >: Null <: BufElem[A1]] = StreamIn { ... /* 2 definitions in type refinement */ }
  36. trait StreamOut extends AnyRef
  37. trait StreamType[A, Buf <: BufElem[A]] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. final val Args: Group[(Int, Long, Double)]
  2. def InA(name: String): InA
  3. def InD(name: String): InD
  4. def InI(name: String): InI
  5. def InL(name: String): InL
  6. def OutD(name: String): OutD
  7. def OutI(name: String): OutI
  8. def OutL(name: String): OutL
  9. object ARCWindow
  10. object AffineTransform2D
  11. object ArithmSeq
  12. object AsyncFileBuffer
  13. object AudioFileIn
  14. object AudioFileOut
  15. object BinaryOp
  16. object Biquad
  17. object Bleach
  18. object Blobs2D
  19. object Broadcast
  20. object BufD
  21. object BufI
  22. object BufL
  23. object BufferDisk
  24. object BufferMemory
  25. object Builder
  26. object Clip
  27. object CombN
  28. object Complex1FFT

    Complex forward Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Complex forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Complex1IFFT.

  29. object Complex1IFFT

    Complex inverse Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Complex inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The is the counter-part to Complex1FFT.

  30. object Complex2FFT

    Complex forward Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Complex forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Complex2IFFT.

  31. object Complex2IFFT

    Complex inverse Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Complex inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The is the counter-part to Complex2FFT.

  32. object ComplexBinaryOp

    Binary operator assuming stream is complex signal (real and imaginary interleaved).

    Binary operator assuming stream is complex signal (real and imaginary interleaved). Outputs another complex stream even if the operator yields a purely real-valued result.

  33. object ComplexUnaryOp

    Unary operator assuming stream is complex signal (real and imaginary interleaved).

    Unary operator assuming stream is complex signal (real and imaginary interleaved). Outputs another complex stream for most operators (ex. log, carToPol) or a real stream for some operators (e.g. real, mag).

  34. object Concat
  35. object ConstQ
  36. object Constant

    Similar to GraphStages.SingleSource but with proper toString

  37. object Control
  38. object Convolution
  39. object DC
  40. object DCT_II
  41. object DEnvGen
  42. object DebugPromise
  43. object DebugThrough
  44. object DelayN
  45. object DetectLocalMax
  46. object Differentiate
  47. object Distinct
  48. object Done
  49. object Drop
  50. object DropRight
  51. object DropWhile
  52. object Empty
  53. object ExpExp
  54. object ExpLin
  55. object FileBuffer
  56. object FilterSeq
  57. object Fold
  58. object FoldCepstrum
  59. object Fourier
  60. object Frames
  61. object Gate
  62. object GenWindow
  63. object GeomSeq
  64. object GimpSlur
  65. object GramSchmidtMatrix
  66. object HPF
  67. object Hash
  68. object HilbertCurve
  69. object Histogram
  70. object IfThenGE
  71. object IfThenUnit
  72. object ImageFileIn
  73. object ImageFileOut
  74. object ImageFileSeqIn
  75. object ImageFileSeqOut
  76. object Impulse
  77. object LFSaw
  78. object LPF
  79. object Latch
  80. object Length
  81. object Limiter
  82. object LinExp
  83. object LinKernighanTSP
  84. object LinLin
  85. object Line
  86. object Loudness
  87. object Map
  88. object Masking2D
  89. object MatchLen
  90. object MatrixInMatrix
  91. object MatrixOutMatrix
  92. object MelFilter
  93. object Metro
  94. object NormalizeWindow
  95. object OffsetOverlapAdd

    Overlapping window summation with offset (fuzziness) that can be modulated.

  96. object OnePole
  97. object OnePoleWindow
  98. object OverlapAdd

    Overlapping window summation.

    Overlapping window summation. Counter-part to Sliding.

  99. object PeakCentroid2D
  100. object Pearson
  101. object PenImage
  102. object PitchesToViterbi
  103. object Plot1D
  104. object Poll
  105. object PriorityQueue
  106. object Progress
  107. object ProgressFrames
  108. object Real1FFT

    Real (positive spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Real (positive spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Real1IFFT.

    Useful page:

  109. object Real1FullFFT

    Real (full spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Real (full spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. This produces a symmetric spectrum (redundant) spectrum, whereas Real1FFT only produces half of the spectrum. The counter-part of it is Real1FullIFFT.

  110. object Real1FullIFFT

    Real (full spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Real (full spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. This is the counter-part to Real1FullFFT. It assumes the input is a complex spectrum of a real signal, and after the IFFT drops the imaginary part.

  111. object Real1IFFT

    Real (positive spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Real (positive spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of Real1FFT.

  112. object Real2FFT

    Real (positive spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Real (positive spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of it is Real2IFFT.

    Useful page:

  113. object Real2FullFFT

    Real (full spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Real (full spectrum) forward Short Time Fourier Transform. This produces a symmetric spectrum (redundant) spectrum, whereas Real2FFT only produces half of the spectrum. The counter-part of it is Real2FullIFFT.

  114. object Real2FullIFFT

    Real (full spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Real (full spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. This is the counter-part to Real2FullFFT. It assumes the input is a complex spectrum of a real signal, and after the IFFT drops the imaginary part.

  115. object Real2IFFT

    Real (positive spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform.

    Real (positive spectrum) inverse Short Time Fourier Transform. The counter-part of Real2FFT.

  116. object ReduceWindow
  117. object RepeatWindow

    Repeats contents of windowed input.

  118. object Resample
  119. object ResampleWindow
  120. object ResizeWindow
  121. object ReverseWindow

    Reverses contents of windowed input.

  122. object RotateFlipMatrix
  123. object RotateWindow
  124. object RunningMax
  125. object RunningMin
  126. object RunningProduct
  127. object RunningSum
  128. object RunningWindowMax
  129. object RunningWindowMin
  130. object RunningWindowProduct
  131. object RunningWindowSum
  132. object ScanImage
  133. object SegModPhasor
  134. object SetResetFF
  135. object Sheet1D
  136. object SinOsc
  137. object SinkIgnore
  138. object Slices
  139. object Sliding extends SlidingPlatform

    Sliding overlapping window.

  140. object SlidingPercentile
  141. object SlidingWindowPercentile
  142. object SortWindow
  143. object StreamIn
  144. object StreamOut
  145. object StreamType
  146. object StrongestLocalMaxima
  147. object Take
  148. object TakeRight
  149. object TakeWhile
  150. object Timer
  151. object TransposeMatrix
  152. object Trig
  153. object TrigHold
  154. object UnaryOp
  155. object UnzipWindow

    Unzips a signal into two based on a window length.

  156. object UnzipWindowN

    Unzips a signal into a given number of outputs based on a window length.

  157. object ValueSeq
  158. object Viterbi
  159. object WPE_ReverbFrame
  160. object WhiteNoise
  161. object WindowApply
  162. object WindowIndexWhere
  163. object WindowMaxIndex
  164. object Wrap
  165. object Zip
  166. object ZipWindowN

    Zips a number of signals into one output based on a window length.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
