
trait Plain extends Base with Cursor[Plain] with Exec[Plain]
trait Exec[Plain]
trait Cursor[Plain]
trait Base
trait Closeable
trait AutoCloseable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type I = Plain
type Id = Id
type Tx = Plain
type Var[A] = Var[Tx, A]

Value members

Inherited methods

def close(): Unit

Closes the underlying database (if the system is durable). The STM cannot be used beyond this call. An in-memory system should have a no-op implementation.

Closes the underlying database (if the system is durable). The STM cannot be used beyond this call. An in-memory system should have a no-op implementation.

Inherited from
def inMemory: I
Inherited from
def newHandle[A](value: A)(implicit format: TFormat[Plain, A]): Source[Plain, A]

Creates a handle (in-memory) to refresh a stale version of an object, assuming that the future transaction is issued from the same cursor that is used to create the handle, except for potentially having advanced. This is a mechanism that can be used in live views to gain valid access to a referenced object (e.g. self access).

Creates a handle (in-memory) to refresh a stale version of an object, assuming that the future transaction is issued from the same cursor that is used to create the handle, except for potentially having advanced. This is a mechanism that can be used in live views to gain valid access to a referenced object (e.g. self access).

Value Params

used to write and freshly read the object


the object which will be refreshed when calling get on the returned handle


the handle

Inherited from
def newId(): Id
Inherited from

Creates a new in-memory transactional map for storing and retrieving values based on a mutable's identifier as key. If a system is confluently persistent, the get operation will find the most recent key that matches the search key. Objects are not serialized but kept live in memory.

Creates a new in-memory transactional map for storing and retrieving values based on a mutable's identifier as key. If a system is confluently persistent, the get operation will find the most recent key that matches the search key. Objects are not serialized but kept live in memory.

Id maps can be used by observing views to look up associated view meta data even though they may be presented with a more recent access path of the model peer (e.g. when a recent event is fired and observed).

Type Params

the value type in the map

Inherited from
def newInMemoryMap[A, B]: RefMap[Plain, A, B]
Inherited from
Inherited from
def newRef[A](init: A): Ref[Plain, A]
Inherited from
def readId(in: DataInput): Id
Inherited from
def step[A](fun: Plain => A): A

Issues a new transaction (executor), runs the function argument on it, and returns the result.

Issues a new transaction (executor), runs the function argument on it, and returns the result.

Inherited from
def stepTag[A](systemTimeNanos: Long)(fun: Plain => A): A

Issues a new transaction (executor), tagged with the given time referring to "now", runs the function argument on it, and returns the result.

Issues a new transaction (executor), tagged with the given time referring to "now", runs the function argument on it, and returns the result.

The tagging can be used for latency based circumstances, such as scheduling OSC bundles on a sound server.

Value Params

Time in nano-seconds since midnight, January 1, 1970 UTC. E.g. System.currentTimeMillis() * 1000000000L (possibly adding nano-seconds fraction).

Inherited from
Inherited from


Inherited implicits

Inherited from
Inherited from