
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

A 'next event' search when the quadtree is used to store spans (intervals). It assumes that a span or interval is represented by a point whose x coordinate corresponds to the span's start and whose y coordinate corresponds to the span's stop. Furthermore, it allows for spans to be unbounded: A span which does not have a defined start, should use quad.left as the x coordinate, and a span which does not have a defined stop, should use quad.right as the y coordinate. A span denoting the special value 'void' (no extent) can be encoded by giving it quad.right as x coordinate.

A 'next event' search when the quadtree is used to store spans (intervals). It assumes that a span or interval is represented by a point whose x coordinate corresponds to the span's start and whose y coordinate corresponds to the span's stop. Furthermore, it allows for spans to be unbounded: A span which does not have a defined start, should use quad.left as the x coordinate, and a span which does not have a defined stop, should use quad.right as the y coordinate. A span denoting the special value 'void' (no extent) can be encoded by giving it quad.right as x coordinate.

The measure searches for the next 'event' beginning from the query point which is supposed to have x == y == query-time point. It finds the closest span start or span stop which is greater than or equal to the query-time point, i.e. the nearest neighbor satisfying qx >= x || qy >= y (given the special treatment of unbounded coordinates).

Value parameters:

the tree's root square which is used to deduce the special values for representing unbounded spans


the measure instance

A 'previous event' search when the quadtree is used to store spans (intervals). It assumes that a span or interval is represented by a point whose x coordinate corresponds to the span's start and whose y coordinate corresponds to the span's stop. Furthermore, it allows for spans to be unbounded: A span which does not have a defined start, should use quad.left as the x coordinate, and a span which does not have a defined stop, should use quad.right as the y coordinate. A span denoting the special value 'void' (no extent) can be encoded by giving it quad.right as x coordinate.

A 'previous event' search when the quadtree is used to store spans (intervals). It assumes that a span or interval is represented by a point whose x coordinate corresponds to the span's start and whose y coordinate corresponds to the span's stop. Furthermore, it allows for spans to be unbounded: A span which does not have a defined start, should use quad.left as the x coordinate, and a span which does not have a defined stop, should use quad.right as the y coordinate. A span denoting the special value 'void' (no extent) can be encoded by giving it quad.right as x coordinate.

The measure searches for the previous 'event' beginning from the query point which is supposed to have x == y == query-time point. It finds the closest span start or span stop which is smaller than or equal to the query-time point, i.e. the nearest neighbor satisfying qx <= x || qy <= y (given the special treatment of unbounded coordinates).

Value parameters:

the tree's root square which is used to deduce the special values for representing unbounded spans


the measure instance

Concrete fields

A Chebyshev distance measure, based on the maximum of the absolute distances across all dimensions.

A Chebyshev distance measure, based on the maximum of the absolute distances across all dimensions.

A measure that uses the euclidean squared distance which is faster than the euclidean distance as the square root does not need to be taken.

A measure that uses the euclidean squared distance which is faster than the euclidean distance as the square root does not need to be taken.

 An 'inverted' Chebyshev distance measure, based on the minimum of the absolute distances across all dimensions. This is, strictly speaking, only a semi metric.

 An 'inverted' Chebyshev distance measure, based on the minimum of the absolute distances across all dimensions. This is, strictly speaking, only a semi metric.