
@implicitNotFound("Currently, your ZLayer produces ${R}, but to use this operator, you ".+("must produce Has[${R}]. You can either map over your layer, and wrap ").+("it with the Has(_) constructor, or you can directly wrap your ").+("service in Has at the point where it is currently being constructed."))
abstract class IsHas[-R]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def add[R0 <: R, M : Tag](r: R0, m: M): R0 & Has[M]
def union[R0 <: R, R1 <: Has[_] : Tag](r: R0, r1: R1): R0 & R1
def update[R0 <: R, M : Tag](r: R0, f: M => M)(implicit evidence$262: Tag[M], ev: R0 <:< Has[M]): R0