
object Schedule
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object Decision
sealed trait Decision[-Env, -In, +Out]
final case class Driver[-Env, -In, +Out](next: In => ZIO[Env, None.type, Out], last: IO[NoSuchElementException, Out], reset: UIO[Unit])
final class ProvideSomeLayer[Env0 <: Has[_], -Env, -In, +Out](self: Schedule[Env, In, Out]) extends AnyVal


type StepFunction[-Env, -In, +Out] = (OffsetDateTime, In) => ZIO[Env, Nothing, Decision[Env, In, Out]]

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[Env, In, Out](step: (Env, In) => Out): Schedule[Env, In, Out]

Constructs a new schedule from the specified step function.

Constructs a new schedule from the specified step function.

def collectAll[A]: Schedule[Any, A, Chunk[A]]

A schedule that recurs anywhere, collecting all inputs into a list.

A schedule that recurs anywhere, collecting all inputs into a list.

def collectUntil[A](f: A => Boolean): Schedule[Any, A, Chunk[A]]

A schedule that recurs until the condition f fails, collecting all inputs into a list.

A schedule that recurs until the condition f fails, collecting all inputs into a list.

def collectUntilM[Env, A](f: A => URIO[Env, Boolean]): Schedule[Env, A, Chunk[A]]

A schedule that recurs until the effectful condition f fails, collecting all inputs into a list.

A schedule that recurs until the effectful condition f fails, collecting all inputs into a list.

def collectWhile[A](f: A => Boolean): Schedule[Any, A, Chunk[A]]

A schedule that recurs as long as the condition f holds, collecting all inputs into a list.

A schedule that recurs as long as the condition f holds, collecting all inputs into a list.

def collectWhileM[Env, A](f: A => URIO[Env, Boolean]): Schedule[Env, A, Chunk[A]]

A schedule that recurs as long as the effectful condition holds, collecting all inputs into a list.

A schedule that recurs as long as the effectful condition holds, collecting all inputs into a list.

def dayOfMonth(day: Int): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified day of month. Won't recur on months containing less days than specified in day param.

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified day of month. Won't recur on months containing less days than specified in day param.

It triggers at zero hour of the day. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

NOTE: day parameter is validated lazily. Must be in range 1...31.

def dayOfWeek(day: Int): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified day of each week. It triggers at zero hour of the week. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified day of each week. It triggers at zero hour of the week. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

NOTE: day parameter is validated lazily. Must be in range 1 (Monday)...7 (Sunday).

def delayed[Env, In, Out](schedule: Schedule[Env, In, Duration]): Schedule[Env, In, Duration]

Takes a schedule that produces a delay, and returns a new schedule that uses this delay to further delay intervals in the resulting schedule.

Takes a schedule that produces a delay, and returns a new schedule that uses this delay to further delay intervals in the resulting schedule.

def duration(duration: Duration): Schedule[Any, Any, Duration]

A schedule that can recur one time, the specified amount of time into the future.

A schedule that can recur one time, the specified amount of time into the future.

def exponential(base: Duration, factor: Double): Schedule[Any, Any, Duration]

A schedule that always recurs, but will wait a certain amount between repetitions, given by base * factor.pow(n), where n is the number of repetitions so far. Returns the current duration between recurrences.

A schedule that always recurs, but will wait a certain amount between repetitions, given by base * factor.pow(n), where n is the number of repetitions so far. Returns the current duration between recurrences.

def fibonacci(one: Duration): Schedule[Any, Any, Duration]

A schedule that always recurs, increasing delays by summing the preceding two delays (similar to the fibonacci sequence). Returns the current duration between recurrences.

A schedule that always recurs, increasing delays by summing the preceding two delays (similar to the fibonacci sequence). Returns the current duration between recurrences.

def fixed(interval: Duration): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

A schedule that recurs on a fixed interval. Returns the number of repetitions of the schedule so far.

A schedule that recurs on a fixed interval. Returns the number of repetitions of the schedule so far.

If the action run between updates takes longer than the interval, then the action will be run immediately, but re-runs will not "pile up".

def fromDuration(duration: Duration): Schedule[Any, Any, Duration]

A schedule that recurs once with the specified delay.

A schedule that recurs once with the specified delay.

def fromDurations(duration: Duration, durations: Duration*): Schedule[Any, Any, Duration]

A schedule that recurs once for each of the specified durations, delaying each time for the length of the specified duration. Returns the length of the current duration between recurrences.

A schedule that recurs once for each of the specified durations, delaying each time for the length of the specified duration. Returns the length of the current duration between recurrences.

def fromFunction[A, B](f: A => B): Schedule[Any, A, B]

A schedule that always recurs, mapping input values through the specified function.

A schedule that always recurs, mapping input values through the specified function.

def hourOfDay(hour: Int): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified hour of each day. It triggers at zero minute of the hour. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified hour of each day. It triggers at zero minute of the hour. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

NOTE: hour parameter is validated lazily. Must be in range 0...23.

def identity[A]: Schedule[Any, A, A]

A schedule that always recurs, which returns inputs as outputs.

A schedule that always recurs, which returns inputs as outputs.

def linear(base: Duration): Schedule[Any, Any, Duration]

A schedule that always recurs, but will repeat on a linear time interval, given by base * n where n is the number of repetitions so far. Returns the current duration between recurrences.

A schedule that always recurs, but will repeat on a linear time interval, given by base * n where n is the number of repetitions so far. Returns the current duration between recurrences.

def minuteOfHour(minute: Int): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified minute of each hour. It triggers at zero second of the minute. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified minute of each hour. It triggers at zero second of the minute. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

NOTE: minute parameter is validated lazily. Must be in range 0...59.

def recurUntil[A](f: A => Boolean): Schedule[Any, A, A]

A schedule that recurs for until the predicate evaluates to true.

A schedule that recurs for until the predicate evaluates to true.

def recurUntil[A, B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Schedule[Any, A, Option[B]]

A schedule that recurs for until the input value becomes applicable to partial function and then map that value with given function.

A schedule that recurs for until the input value becomes applicable to partial function and then map that value with given function.

def recurUntilEquals[A](a: => A): Schedule[Any, A, A]

A schedule that recurs for until the predicate is equal.

A schedule that recurs for until the predicate is equal.

def recurUntilM[Env, A](f: A => URIO[Env, Boolean]): Schedule[Env, A, A]

A schedule that recurs for until the predicate evaluates to true.

A schedule that recurs for until the predicate evaluates to true.

def recurWhile[A](f: A => Boolean): Schedule[Any, A, A]

A schedule that recurs for as long as the predicate evaluates to true.

A schedule that recurs for as long as the predicate evaluates to true.

def recurWhileEquals[A](a: => A): Schedule[Any, A, A]

A schedule that recurs for as long as the predicate is equal.

A schedule that recurs for as long as the predicate is equal.

def recurWhileM[Env, A](f: A => URIO[Env, Boolean]): Schedule[Env, A, A]

A schedule that recurs for as long as the effectful predicate evaluates to true.

A schedule that recurs for as long as the effectful predicate evaluates to true.

def recurs(n: Long): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

A schedule spanning all time, which can be stepped only the specified number of times before it terminates.

A schedule spanning all time, which can be stepped only the specified number of times before it terminates.

def recurs(n: Int): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

A schedule spanning all time, which can be stepped only the specified number of times before it terminates.

A schedule spanning all time, which can be stepped only the specified number of times before it terminates.

def secondOfMinute(second: Int): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified second of each minute. It triggers at zero nanosecond of the second. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

Cron-like schedule that recurs every specified second of each minute. It triggers at zero nanosecond of the second. Producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

NOTE: second parameter is validated lazily. Must be in range 0...59.

def spaced(duration: Duration): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

Returns a schedule that recurs continuously, each repetition spaced the specified duration from the last run.

Returns a schedule that recurs continuously, each repetition spaced the specified duration from the last run.

def succeed[A](a: => A): Schedule[Any, Any, A]

Returns a schedule that repeats one time, producing the specified constant value.

Returns a schedule that repeats one time, producing the specified constant value.

def unfold[A](a: => A)(f: A => A): Schedule[Any, Any, A]

Unfolds a schedule that repeats one time from the specified state and iterator.

Unfolds a schedule that repeats one time from the specified state and iterator.

def unwrap[R, A, B](zio: ZIO[R, Nothing, Schedule[R, A, B]]): Schedule[R, A, B]

Extracts a Schedule out of an effect.

Extracts a Schedule out of an effect.

def upTo(duration: Duration): Schedule[Any, Any, Duration]

A schedule that recurs during the given duration

A schedule that recurs during the given duration

def windowed(interval: Duration): Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

A schedule that divides the timeline to interval-long windows, and sleeps until the nearest window boundary every time it recurs.

A schedule that divides the timeline to interval-long windows, and sleeps until the nearest window boundary every time it recurs.

For example, windowed(10.seconds) would produce a schedule as follows:

    10s        10s        10s       10s

Concrete fields

val count: Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

A schedule that always recurs, which counts the number of recurrences.

A schedule that always recurs, which counts the number of recurrences.

val elapsed: Schedule[Any, Any, Duration]

A schedule that occurs everywhere, which returns the total elapsed duration since the first step.

A schedule that occurs everywhere, which returns the total elapsed duration since the first step.

val forever: Schedule[Any, Any, Long]

A schedule that always recurs, producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

A schedule that always recurs, producing a count of repeats: 0, 1, 2.

val once: Schedule[Any, Any, Unit]

A schedule that recurs one time.

A schedule that recurs one time.

val stop: Schedule[Any, Any, Unit]

A schedule that does not recur, it just stops.

A schedule that does not recur, it just stops.