Uses of Class

Packages that use Name

Uses of Name in org.xbill.DNS

Fields in org.xbill.DNS declared as Name
static Name Name.empty
          The root name
static Name TSIG.HMAC
          The domain name representing the HMAC-MD5 algorithm (deprecated).
static Name TSIG.HMAC_MD5
          The domain name representing the HMAC-MD5 algorithm.
static Name TSIG.HMAC_SHA1
          The domain name representing the HMAC-SHA1 algorithm.
static Name TSIG.HMAC_SHA224
          The domain name representing the HMAC-SHA224 algorithm.
static Name TSIG.HMAC_SHA256
          The domain name representing the HMAC-SHA256 algorithm.
static Name TSIG.HMAC_SHA384
          The domain name representing the HMAC-SHA384 algorithm.
static Name TSIG.HMAC_SHA512
          The domain name representing the HMAC-SHA512 algorithm.
protected  Name
 Name Generator.origin
          The origin to append to relative names.
static Name Name.root
          The root name

Methods in org.xbill.DNS that return Name
 Name Name.canonicalize()
          Returns a canonicalized version of the Name (all lowercase).
static Name Name.concatenate(Name prefix, Name suffix)
          Creates a new name by concatenating two existing names.
static Name ReverseMap.fromAddress(byte[] addr)
          Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in an array of 4 bytes (for an IPv4 address) or 16 bytes (for an IPv6 address).
static Name ReverseMap.fromAddress( addr)
          Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in an InetAddress.
static Name ReverseMap.fromAddress(int[] addr)
          Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in an array of 4 integers between 0 and 255 (for an IPv4 address) or 16 integers between 0 and 255 (for an IPv6 address).
static Name ReverseMap.fromAddress(java.lang.String addr)
          Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in a String.
static Name ReverseMap.fromAddress(java.lang.String addr, int family)
          Creates a reverse map name corresponding to an address contained in a String.
static Name Name.fromConstantString(java.lang.String s)
          Create a new name from a constant string.
 Name Name.fromDNAME(DNAMERecord dname)
          Generates a new Name to be used when following a DNAME.
static Name Name.fromString(java.lang.String s)
          Create a new name from a string.
static Name Name.fromString(java.lang.String s, Name origin)
          Create a new name from a string and an origin.
 Name KXRecord.getAdditionalName()
 Name MBRecord.getAdditionalName()
 Name MDRecord.getAdditionalName()
 Name MFRecord.getAdditionalName()
 Name MXRecord.getAdditionalName()
 Name NAPTRRecord.getAdditionalName()
 Name NSRecord.getAdditionalName()
 Name Record.getAdditionalName()
          Returns the name for which additional data processing should be done for this record.
 Name SRVRecord.getAdditionalName()
 Name SOARecord.getAdmin()
          Returns the zone administrator's address
 Name TKEYRecord.getAlgorithm()
          Returns the shared key's algorithm
 Name TSIGRecord.getAlgorithm()
          Returns the shared key's algorithm
 Name CNAMERecord.getAlias()
          Gets the alias specified by the CNAME Record
 Name DNAMERecord.getAlias()
          Gets the alias specified by the DNAME Record
 Name[] Lookup.getAliases()
          Returns all known aliases for this name.
static Name[] Lookup.getDefaultSearchPath()
          Gets the search path that will be used as the default by future Lookups.
 Name MINFORecord.getErrorAddress()
          Gets the address to receive error messages relating to the mailing list/mailbox.
 Name AFSDBRecord.getHost()
          Gets the host providing service for the domain.
 Name SOARecord.getHost()
          Returns the primary name server
 Name RTRecord.getIntermediateHost()
          Gets the host to use as a router.
 Name MDRecord.getMailAgent()
          Gets the mail agent for the domain
 Name MFRecord.getMailAgent()
          Gets the mail agent for the domain
 Name MBRecord.getMailbox()
          Gets the mailbox for the domain
 Name MGRecord.getMailbox()
          Gets the mailbox in the mail group specified by the domain
 Name RPRecord.getMailbox()
          Gets the mailbox address of the RP Record
 Name PXRecord.getMap822()
          Gets the RFC 822 component of the mail address.
 Name PXRecord.getMapX400()
          Gets the X.400 component of the mail address.
 Name Record.getName()
          Returns the record's name
 Name RRset.getName()
          Returns the name of the records
 Name ZoneTransferIn.getName()
          Gets the name of the zone being transferred.
 Name Tokenizer.getName(Name origin)
          Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to a name.
 Name MRRecord.getNewName()
          Gets the new name of the mailbox specified by the domain
 Name NSECRecord.getNext()
          Returns the next name
 Name NXTRecord.getNext()
          Returns the next name
 Name Zone.getOrigin()
          Returns the Zone's origin
 Name A6Record.getPrefix()
          Returns the address prefix
 Name NAPTRRecord.getReplacement()
          Returns the replacement domain-name
 Name MINFORecord.getResponsibleAddress()
          Gets the address responsible for the mailing list/mailbox.
 Name CNAMERecord.getTarget()
          Gets the target of the CNAME Record
 Name DNAMERecord.getTarget()
          Gets the target of the DNAME Record
 Name KXRecord.getTarget()
          Returns the target of the KX record
 Name MXRecord.getTarget()
          Returns the target of the MX record
 Name NSAP_PTRRecord.getTarget()
          Gets the target of the NSAP_PTR Record
 Name NSRecord.getTarget()
          Gets the target of the NS Record
 Name PTRRecord.getTarget()
          Gets the target of the PTR Record
 Name SRVRecord.getTarget()
          Returns the host running that the service
 Name RPRecord.getTextDomain()
          Gets the text domain info of the RP Record
 Name Name.relativize(Name origin)
          If this name is a subdomain of origin, return a new name relative to origin with the same value.
 Name[] ResolverConfig.searchPath()
          Returns all entries in the located search path
 Name Name.wild(int n)
          Generates a new Name with the first n labels replaced by a wildcard

Methods in org.xbill.DNS with parameters of type Name
 void Update.absent(Name name)
          Inserts a prerequisite that the specified name does not exist; that is, there are no records with the given name in the zone.
 void Update.absent(Name name, int type)
          Inserts a prerequisite that the specified rrset does not exist; that is, there are no records with the given name and type in the zone.
 void Compression.add(int pos, Name name)
          Adds a compression entry mapping a name to a position in a message.
 void Update.add(Name name, int type, long ttl, java.lang.String record)
          Parses a record from the string, and indicates that the record should be inserted into the zone.
 void Update.add(Name name, int type, long ttl, Tokenizer tokenizer)
          Parses a record from the tokenizer, and indicates that the record should be inserted into the zone.
 void Cache.addNegative(Name name, int type, SOARecord soa, int cred)
          Adds a negative entry to the Cache.
static Name Name.concatenate(Name prefix, Name suffix)
          Creates a new name by concatenating two existing names.
 void Update.delete(Name name)
          Indicates that all records with the given name should be deleted from the zone.
 void Update.delete(Name name, int type)
          Indicates that all records with the given name and type should be deleted from the zone.
 void Update.delete(Name name, int type, java.lang.String record)
          Parses a record from the string, and indicates that the record should be deleted from the zone.
 void Update.delete(Name name, int type, Tokenizer tokenizer)
          Parses a record from the tokenizer, and indicates that the record should be deleted from the zone.
 RRset[] Cache.findAnyRecords(Name name, int type)
          Looks up Records in the Cache (a wrapper around lookupRecords).
 RRset Zone.findExactMatch(Name name, int type)
          Looks up Records in the zone, finding exact matches only.
 RRset[] Cache.findRecords(Name name, int type)
          Looks up credible Records in the Cache (a wrapper around lookupRecords).
 SetResponse Zone.findRecords(Name name, int type)
          Looks up Records in the Zone.
 boolean Message.findRRset(Name name, int type)
          Determines if an RRset with the given name and type is already present in any section.
 boolean Message.findRRset(Name name, int type, int section)
          Determines if an RRset with the given name and type is already present in the given section.
 void Cache.flushName(Name name)
          Flushes all RRsets with a given name from the cache
 void Cache.flushSet(Name name, int type)
          Flushes an RRset from the cache
static Record Record.fromString(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String s, Name origin)
          Builds a new Record from its textual representation
static Record Record.fromString(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, Tokenizer st, Name origin)
          Builds a new Record from its textual representation
static Name Name.fromString(java.lang.String s, Name origin)
          Create a new name from a string and an origin.
 int Compression.get(Name name)
          Retrieves the position of the given name, if it has been previously included in the message.
 Name Tokenizer.getName(Name origin)
          Gets the next token from a tokenizer and converts it to a name.
 byte[] NSEC3PARAMRecord.hashName(Name name)
          Hashes a name with the parameters of this NSEC3PARAM record.
 byte[] NSEC3Record.hashName(Name name)
          Hashes a name with the parameters of this NSEC3 record.
protected  SetResponse Cache.lookup(Name name, int type, int minCred)
          Finds all matching sets or something that causes the lookup to stop.
 SetResponse Cache.lookupRecords(Name name, int type, int minCred)
          Looks up Records in the Cache.
static ZoneTransferIn ZoneTransferIn.newAXFR(Name zone, address, TSIG key)
          Instantiates a ZoneTransferIn object to do an AXFR (full zone transfer).
static ZoneTransferIn ZoneTransferIn.newAXFR(Name zone, java.lang.String host, int port, TSIG key)
          Instantiates a ZoneTransferIn object to do an AXFR (full zone transfer).
static ZoneTransferIn ZoneTransferIn.newAXFR(Name zone, java.lang.String host, TSIG key)
          Instantiates a ZoneTransferIn object to do an AXFR (full zone transfer).
static ZoneTransferIn ZoneTransferIn.newIXFR(Name zone, long serial, boolean fallback, address, TSIG key)
          Instantiates a ZoneTransferIn object to do an IXFR (incremental zone transfer).
static ZoneTransferIn ZoneTransferIn.newIXFR(Name zone, long serial, boolean fallback, java.lang.String host, int port, TSIG key)
          Instantiates a ZoneTransferIn object to do an IXFR (incremental zone transfer).
static ZoneTransferIn ZoneTransferIn.newIXFR(Name zone, long serial, boolean fallback, java.lang.String host, TSIG key)
          Instantiates a ZoneTransferIn object to do an IXFR (incremental zone transfer).
static Record Record.newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass)
          Creates a new empty record, with the given parameters.
static Record Record.newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl)
          Creates a new empty record, with the given parameters.
static Record Record.newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, byte[] data)
          Creates a new record, with the given parameters.
static Record Record.newRecord(Name name, int type, int dclass, long ttl, int length, byte[] data)
          Creates a new record, with the given parameters.
static Message Message.newUpdate(Name zone)
          Creates a new Message to contain a dynamic update.
 void Update.present(Name name)
          Inserts a prerequisite that the specified name exists; that is, there exist records with the given name in the zone.
 void Update.present(Name name, int type)
          Inserts a prerequisite that the specified rrset exists; that is, there exist records with the given name and type in the zone.
 void Update.present(Name name, int type, java.lang.String record)
          Parses a record from the string, and inserts a prerequisite that the record exists.
 void Update.present(Name name, int type, Tokenizer tokenizer)
          Parses a record from the tokenizer, and inserts a prerequisite that the record exists.
 Name Name.relativize(Name origin)
          If this name is a subdomain of origin, return a new name relative to origin with the same value.
 void Update.replace(Name name, int type, long ttl, java.lang.String record)
          Parses a record from the string, and indicates that the record should be inserted into the zone replacing any other records with the same name and type.
 void Update.replace(Name name, int type, long ttl, Tokenizer tokenizer)
          Parses a record from the tokenizer, and indicates that the record should be inserted into the zone replacing any other records with the same name and type.
static void Lookup.setDefaultSearchPath(Name[] domains)
          Sets the search path to be used as the default by future Lookups.
 void Lookup.setSearchPath(Name[] domains)
          Sets the search path to use when performing this lookup.
 boolean Name.subdomain(Name domain)
          Is the current Name a subdomain of the specified name?
 Record Record.withName(Name name)
          Creates a new record identical to the current record, but with a different name.

Constructors in org.xbill.DNS with parameters of type Name
A6Record(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int prefixBits, suffix, Name prefix)
          Creates an A6 Record from the given data
AAAARecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, address)
          Creates an AAAA Record from the given data
AFSDBRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int subtype, Name host)
          Creates an AFSDB Record from the given data.
APLRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.util.List elements)
          Creates an APL Record from the given data.
ARecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, address)
          Creates an A Record from the given data
CERTRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int certType, int keyTag, int alg, byte[] cert)
          Creates a CERT Record from the given data
CNAMERecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name alias)
          Creates a new CNAMERecord with the given data
DHCIDRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, byte[] data)
          Creates an DHCID Record from the given data
DLVRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int footprint, int alg, int digestid, byte[] digest)
          Creates a DLV Record from the given data
DNAMERecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name alias)
          Creates a new DNAMERecord with the given data
DNSKEYRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto, int alg, byte[] key)
          Creates a DNSKEY Record from the given data
DNSKEYRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto, int alg, key)
          Creates a DNSKEY Record from the given data
DSRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int digestid, DNSKEYRecord key)
          Creates a DS Record from the given data
DSRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int footprint, int alg, int digestid, byte[] digest)
          Creates a DS Record from the given data
Generator(long start, long end, long step, java.lang.String namePattern, int type, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String rdataPattern, Name origin)
          Creates a specification for generating records, as a $GENERATE statement in a master file.
GPOSRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, double longitude, double latitude, double altitude)
          Creates an GPOS Record from the given data
GPOSRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String longitude, java.lang.String latitude, java.lang.String altitude)
          Creates an GPOS Record from the given data
HINFORecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String cpu, java.lang.String os)
          Creates an HINFO Record from the given data
IPSECKEYRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int precedence, int gatewayType, int algorithmType, java.lang.Object gateway, byte[] key)
          Creates an IPSECKEY Record from the given data.
ISDNRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String address, java.lang.String subAddress)
          Creates an ISDN Record from the given data
KEYRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto, int alg, byte[] key)
          Creates a KEY Record from the given data
KEYRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int flags, int proto, int alg, key)
          Creates a KEY Record from the given data
KXRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int preference, Name target)
          Creates a KX Record from the given data
LOCRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, double latitude, double longitude, double altitude, double size, double hPrecision, double vPrecision)
          Creates an LOC Record from the given data
Lookup(Name name)
          Create a Lookup object that will find records of type A at the given name in the IN class.
Lookup(Name name, int type)
          Create a Lookup object that will find records of the given name and type in the IN class.
Lookup(Name name, int type, int dclass)
          Create a Lookup object that will find records of the given name, type, and class.
Master( in, Name origin)
          Initializes the master file reader.
Master( in, Name origin, long ttl)
          Initializes the master file reader.
Master(java.lang.String filename, Name origin)
          Initializes the master file reader and opens the specified master file.
Master(java.lang.String filename, Name origin, long ttl)
          Initializes the master file reader and opens the specified master file.
MBRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name mailbox)
          Creates a new MB Record with the given data
MDRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name mailAgent)
          Creates a new MD Record with the given data
MFRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name mailAgent)
          Creates a new MF Record with the given data
MGRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name mailbox)
          Creates a new MG Record with the given data
MINFORecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name responsibleAddress, Name errorAddress)
          Creates an MINFO Record from the given data
MRRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name newName)
          Creates a new MR Record with the given data
MXRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int priority, Name target)
          Creates an MX Record from the given data
Name(Name src, int n)
          Create a new name by removing labels from the beginning of an existing Name
Name(java.lang.String s, Name origin)
          Create a new name from a string and an origin.
NAPTRRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int order, int preference, java.lang.String flags, java.lang.String service, java.lang.String regexp, Name replacement)
          Creates an NAPTR Record from the given data
NSAP_PTRRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name target)
          Creates a new NSAP_PTR Record with the given data
NSAPRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String address)
          Creates an NSAP Record from the given data
NSEC3PARAMRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int hashAlg, int flags, int iterations, byte[] salt)
          Creates an NSEC3PARAM record from the given data.
NSEC3Record(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int hashAlg, int flags, int iterations, byte[] salt, byte[] next, int[] types)
          Creates an NSEC3 record from the given data.
NSECRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name next, int[] types)
          Creates an NSEC Record from the given data.
NSRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name target)
          Creates a new NS Record with the given data
NULLRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, byte[] data)
          Creates a NULL record from the given data.
NXTRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name next, java.util.BitSet bitmap)
          Creates an NXT Record from the given data
PTRRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name target)
          Creates a new PTR Record with the given data
PXRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int preference, Name map822, Name mapX400)
          Creates an PX Record from the given data
RelativeNameException(Name name)
RPRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name mailbox, Name textDomain)
          Creates an RP Record from the given data
RRSIGRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int covered, int alg, long origttl, java.util.Date expire, java.util.Date timeSigned, int footprint, Name signer, byte[] signature)
          Creates an RRSIG Record from the given data
RTRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int preference, Name intermediateHost)
          Creates an RT Record from the given data
SIGRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int covered, int alg, long origttl, java.util.Date expire, java.util.Date timeSigned, int footprint, Name signer, byte[] signature)
          Creates an SIG Record from the given data
SOARecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name host, Name admin, long serial, long refresh, long retry, long expire, long minimum)
          Creates an SOA Record from the given data
SPFRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.util.List strings)
          Creates a SPF Record from the given data
SPFRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String string)
          Creates a SPF Record from the given data
SRVRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int priority, int weight, int port, Name target)
          Creates an SRV Record from the given data
SSHFPRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int alg, int digestType, byte[] fingerprint)
          Creates an SSHFP Record from the given data.
TKEYRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name alg, java.util.Date timeInception, java.util.Date timeExpire, int mode, int error, byte[] key, byte[] other)
          Creates a TKEY Record from the given data.
TLSARecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, int certificateUsage, int selector, int matchingType, byte[] certificateAssociationData)
          Creates an TLSA Record from the given data
TSIG(Name name, byte[] key)
          Creates a new TSIG key with the hmac-md5 algorithm, which can be used to sign or verify a message.
TSIG(Name algorithm, Name name, byte[] key)
          Creates a new TSIG key, which can be used to sign or verify a message.
TSIG(Name algorithm, java.lang.String name, java.lang.String key)
          Creates a new TSIG object, which can be used to sign or verify a message.
TSIGRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, Name alg, java.util.Date timeSigned, int fudge, byte[] signature, int originalID, int error, byte[] other)
          Creates a TSIG Record from the given data.
TXTRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.util.List strings)
          Creates a TXT Record from the given data
TXTRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String string)
          Creates a TXT Record from the given data
Update(Name zone)
          Creates an update message.
Update(Name zone, int dclass)
          Creates an update message.
WKSRecord(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, address, int protocol, int[] services)
          Creates a WKS Record from the given data
X25Record(Name name, int dclass, long ttl, java.lang.String address)
          Creates an X25 Record from the given data
Zone(Name zone, int dclass, java.lang.String remote)
          Creates a Zone by performing a zone transfer to the specified host.
Zone(Name zone, Record[] records)
          Creates a Zone from an array of records.
Zone(Name zone, java.lang.String file)
          Creates a Zone from the records in the specified master file.

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