



package simulator

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package jna

Type Members

  1. class DebugPrintWrapper extends SimulatorContext

    Wraps a SimulatorContext and prints the result of all operations performed on it to stdout

  2. case class NoClockException(toplevel: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable

    Thrown by SimulatorContext.step if the circuit has no clock input

  3. trait Simulator extends AnyRef

    a firrtl circuit simulator

  4. trait SimulatorAnnotation extends NoTargetAnnotation

    Defines a simulator backend that should be used.

  5. trait SimulatorContext extends AnyRef

    context for a running firrtl circuit simulation

  6. case class VcsCFlags(flags: Seq[String]) extends VcsOption with Product with Serializable

    adds flags to the C++ compiler in the Makefile generated by Vcs

  7. case class VcsFlags(flags: Seq[String]) extends VcsOption with Product with Serializable

    adds flags to the invocation of VCS

  8. trait VcsOption extends NoTargetAnnotation

    VCS specific options

  9. case class VcsSimFlags(flags: Seq[String]) extends VcsOption with Product with Serializable

    adds flags to the simulation binary created by VCS

  10. case class VerilatorCFlags(flags: Seq[String]) extends VerilatorOption with Product with Serializable

    adds flags to the C++ compiler in the Makefile generated by verilator

  11. case class VerilatorFlags(flags: Seq[String]) extends VerilatorOption with Product with Serializable

    adds flags to the invocation of verilator

  12. case class VerilatorLinkFlags(flags: Seq[String]) extends VerilatorOption with Product with Serializable

    adds flags to the linker in the Makefile generated by verilator

  13. trait VerilatorOption extends NoTargetAnnotation

    verilator specific options

  14. case class WriteLxtAnnotation(version: Int = 1) extends WriteWaveformAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  15. trait WriteWaveformAnnotation extends NoTargetAnnotation

Value Members

  1. case object IcarusBackendAnnotation extends SimulatorAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  2. case object TreadleBackendAnnotation extends SimulatorAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  3. case object VcsBackendAnnotation extends SimulatorAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  4. case object VerilatorBackendAnnotation extends SimulatorAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  5. case object WriteFstAnnotation extends WriteWaveformAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  6. case object WriteVcdAnnotation extends WriteWaveformAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  7. case object WriteVpdAnnotation extends WriteWaveformAnnotation with Product with Serializable
