



package coverage

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait CoverageInfo extends Annotation

    Trait that needs to be extended by every custom coverage meta data annotation.

  2. case class ModuleInstancesAnnotation(instanceToModule: List[(String, String)]) extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  3. case class TestCoverage(counts: List[(String, Long)]) extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable

    Coverage counts returned from the simulator interface.

    Coverage counts returned from the simulator interface. Each instance of a cover statement in the circuit is represented by its hierarchical path (relative to the main module) and the number of times the cover predicate and enable condition were true during a clock event.

    This if our hierarchy looks like this: - MainModule

    • c0: ChildModule
    • c1: ChildModule

    And there is a single cover statement in ChildModule named cover_0, then the counts might look like this:

    List("c0.cover_0" -> 3, "c1.cover_0" -> 5)

    The maximum count value is implementation dependent. However, counts are guaranteed to be saturating. So the real count is always >= the reported count.

Value Members

  1. object Coverage
  2. object ModuleInstancesPass extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration

    Generates a list of instance paths for every module: ModuleInstancesAnnotation This pass is used by the Verilator backend to convert cover points reported by Verilator into the common format.

    Generates a list of instance paths for every module: ModuleInstancesAnnotation This pass is used by the Verilator backend to convert cover points reported by Verilator into the common format. It can also be useful for coverage metrics that want to convert the per instance counts reported into per module counts.
