
package formal

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. formal
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package backends
  2. package vips

Type Members

  1. case class BoundedCheck(kMax: Int = -1) extends FormalOp with Product with Serializable
  2. class FailedBoundedCheckException extends Exception
  3. trait Formal extends AnyRef

    Adds the verify command for formal checks to a ChiselScalatestTester

  4. sealed trait FormalOp extends NoTargetAnnotation
  5. case class PastSignalAnnotation(target: ReferenceTarget) extends SingleTargetAnnotation[ReferenceTarget] with Product with Serializable
  6. case class ResetOption(cycles: Int = 1) extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable

    Specifies how many cycles the circuit should be reset for.

  7. class SafePastSignalsPass extends Transform with DependencyAPIMigration

Value Members

  1. val BitwuzlaEngineAnnotation: formal.backends.BitwuzlaEngineAnnotation.type
  2. val BtormcEngineAnnotation: formal.backends.BtormcEngineAnnotation.type
  3. val CVC4EngineAnnotation: formal.backends.CVC4EngineAnnotation.type
  4. val MagicPacketTracker: formal.vips.MagicPacketTracker.type
  5. val Z3EngineAnnotation: formal.backends.Z3EngineAnnotation.type
  6. case object DoNotModelUndef extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable

    An _escape hatch_ to disable more pessimistic modelling of undefined values.

  7. case object DoNotOptimizeFormal extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable

    Disables firrtl optimizations when converting to a SMT/Btor2 system.

    Disables firrtl optimizations when converting to a SMT/Btor2 system. This is an escape hatch in case you suspect optimizations of doing something wrong! Normally this annotation should *not* be needed!

  8. object changed
  9. object fell
  10. object past

    Delays a signal for verification purposes.

    Delays a signal for verification purposes. Any stop, assert, assign or cover statement that the result is used in will be automatically guarded by the time necessary for all past values to become available. E.g.:

    1. assert(past(out) === past(past(in)))

      is equivalent to:

    2. ,
    3. when(cyclesSinceReset >= 2.U) {
        assert(RegNext(out) === RegNext(RegNext(in)))
  11. object rose
  12. object stable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
