object CheckHighForm extends Pass with CheckHighFormLike
- Source
- CheckHighForm.scala
- Alphabetic
- By Inheritance
- CheckHighForm
- CheckHighFormLike
- Pass
- Transform
- DependencyAPI
- TransformLike
- LazyLogging
- AnyRef
- Any
- Hide All
- Show All
- Public
- Protected
Type Members
- class IllegalChirrtlMemException extends PassException
- type NameSet = HashSet[String]
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class BadPrintfException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class BadPrintfIncorrectNumException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class BadPrintfTrailingException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class DefnameConflictException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class DefnameDifferentPortsException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class IllegalMemLatencyException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class IncorrectNumArgsException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class IncorrectNumConstsException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class InstanceLoop extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class InvalidAccessException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class InvalidLOCException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class LsbLargerThanMsbException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class MemWithFlipException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class ModuleNameNotUniqueException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class ModuleNotDefinedException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class NegArgException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class NegMemSizeException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class NegUIntException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class NegVecSizeException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class NegWidthException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class NoTopModuleException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class NotUniqueException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class PoisonWithFlipException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class RegWithFlipException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class ResetExtModuleOutputException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class ResetInputException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- class UndeclaredReferenceException extends PassException
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
Value Members
- def errorOnChirrtl(info: Info, mname: String, s: Statement): Option[PassException]
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighForm → CheckHighFormLike
- def execute(state: CircuitState): CircuitState
Perform the transform, encode renaming with RenameMap, and can delete annotations Called by runTransform.
Perform the transform, encode renaming with RenameMap, and can delete annotations Called by runTransform.
- state
Input Firrtl AST
- returns
A transformed Firrtl AST
- def getLogger: Logger
- Definition Classes
- LazyLogging
- def invalidates(a: Transform): Boolean
A function that, given *another* transform (parameter
) will return true if this transform invalidates/undos the effects of the *other* transform (parametera
).A function that, given *another* transform (parameter
) will return true if this transform invalidates/undos the effects of the *other* transform (parametera
).- a
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighForm → DependencyAPI
- def name: String
A convenience function useful for debugging and error messages
A convenience function useful for debugging and error messages
- Definition Classes
- Transform → TransformLike
- def optionalPrerequisiteOf: Seq[Dependency[Transform]]
A sequence of transforms to add this transform as an
.A sequence of transforms to add this transform as an
. The use ofoptionalPrerequisiteOf
enables the transform declaring them to always run before some other transforms. However, declaringoptionalPrerequisiteOf
will not result in the sequence of transforms executing.This is useful for providing an ordering constraint to guarantee that other transforms (e.g., emitters) will not be scheduled before you.
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighForm → DependencyAPI
- Note
This method **will not** result in the listed transforms running. If you want to add multiple transforms at once, you should use a
with multiple targets.
- def optionalPrerequisites: Seq[Dependency[Transform]]
All transforms that, if a prerequisite of *another* transform, will run before this transform.
All transforms that, if a prerequisite of *another* transform, will run before this transform.
- Definition Classes
- DependencyAPI
- Note
The use of a Seq here is to preserve input order. Internally, this will be converted to a private, ordered Set.
- def prerequisites: Seq[TransformDependency]
All transform that must run before this transform
All transform that must run before this transform
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighForm → DependencyAPI
- Note
The use of a Seq here is to preserve input order. Internally, this will be converted to a private, ordered Set.
- def run(c: Circuit): Circuit
- Definition Classes
- CheckHighFormLike
- final def runTransform(state: CircuitState): CircuitState
Perform the transform and update annotations.
Perform the transform and update annotations.
- state
Input Firrtl AST
- returns
A transformed Firrtl AST
- Definition Classes
- Transform
- def transform(state: CircuitState): CircuitState
A mathematical transform on some type
A mathematical transform on some type
- returns
an output object of the same type
- Definition Classes
- Transform → TransformLike
Deprecated Value Members
- def dependents: Seq[Dependency[Transform]]
All transforms that must run after this transform
All transforms that must run after this transform
This is a means of prerequisite injection into some other transform. Normally a transform will define its own prerequisites. Dependents exist for two main situations:
First, they improve the composition of optional transforms. If some first transform is optional (e.g., an expensive validation check), you would like to be able to conditionally cause it to run. If it is listed as a prerequisite on some other, second transform then it must always run before that second transform. There's no way to turn it off. However, by listing the second transform as a dependent of the first transform, the first transform will only run (and be treated as a prerequisite of the second transform) if included in a list of target transforms that should be run.
Second, an external library would like to inject some first transform before a second transform inside FIRRTL. In this situation, the second transform cannot have any knowledge of external libraries. The use of a dependent here allows for prerequisite injection into FIRRTL proper.
- Definition Classes
- DependencyAPI
- Annotations
- @deprecated
- Deprecated
(Since version FIRRTL 1.3) Due to confusion, 'dependents' is being renamed to 'optionalPrerequisiteOf'. Override the latter instead.
- Note
The use of a Seq here is to preserve input order. Internally, this will be converted to a private, ordered Set.
- See also
firrtl2.passes.CheckTypes for an example of an optional checking firrtl2.Transform