
Type members


case class Direct[Edge, Node](edge: Edge, node: Node) extends Neigh[Edge, Node]

A neighbor of a node through a direct edge

A neighbor of a node through a direct edge

case class DirectEdge[Edge](edge: Edge) extends DirectedEdge[Edge]
trait DirectedEdge[Edge]

Represents directed edges

Represents directed edges

It can be direct or inverse

trait Graph[Edge, Node]

Generic representation of graphs

Generic representation of graphs

object Graph
case class GraphMap[Edge, Node](m: Map[Node, Seq[(Edge, Node)]]) extends Graph[Edge, Node]

Implementation of graph as a map

Implementation of graph as a map

case class Inverse[Edge, Node](edge: Edge, node: Node) extends Neigh[Edge, Node]

A neighbor of a node through an inverse edge

A neighbor of a node through an inverse edge

case class InverseEdge[Edge](edge: Edge) extends DirectedEdge[Edge]
sealed trait Neigh[Edge, Node]

Represents a neighbor of a node in a graph. It can be a direct arc or an inverse arc

Represents a neighbor of a node in a graph. It can be a direct arc or an inverse arc