
object nodeShape
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class ConjRef[Label, Err, Evidence](labels: Seq[Label]) extends NodeShape[Nothing, Label, Err, Evidence]

Reference to a sequence of labels

Reference to a sequence of labels

case class DisjRef[Label, Err, Evidence](labels: Seq[Label]) extends NodeShape[Nothing, Label, Err, Evidence]

Reference to an sequence of labels which are disjunctive

Reference to an sequence of labels which are disjunctive

object NodeShape

Some common node shapes

Some common node shapes

sealed trait NodeShape[+Node, +Label, Err, Evidence]

A node shape

A node shape

case class OrShape[+Node, +Label, Err, Evidence](ns: Seq[NodeShape[Node, Label, Err, Evidence]]) extends NodeShape[Node, Label, Err, Evidence]
case class Pred[Node, Err, Evidence](name: String)(pred: Node => CheckVal[Node, Err, Evidence]) extends NodeShape[Node, Nothing, Err, Evidence]

Constraint on nodes (it has a name and a predicate).

Constraint on nodes (it has a name and a predicate).

Note: pred is defined in the 2nd parameter section to avoid equality and hashing of functions

case class Ref[Label, Err, Evidence](label: Label) extends NodeShape[Nothing, Label, Err, Evidence]

Reference to another label

Reference to another label

case class RefNot[Label, Err, Evidence](label: Label) extends NodeShape[Nothing, Label, Err, Evidence]

Negation of a expression

Negation of a expression


type CheckVal[Node, Err, Evidence] = Either[List[Err], (Node, Evidence)]