Interface MonitoringRegistry

  • public interface MonitoringRegistry
    Provides component specific methods to enable components to register their Stats implementations for monitoring. Implementation of this interface enables a JSR77 Managed Resource's monitoring statistics to be presented through JMX's API through a DynamicMBean created on the fly and registered with the MBeanServer. Each registration method also provides the facility of passing in an implementation of MonitoringLevelListener interface. The purpose of that interface is to enable components to be notified of a change in monitoring level from/to OFF, LOW or HIGH. A notification pursuant to a change in monitoring level should result in a call to unregister previously registered Stats implementations. If the change is set at a level LOW or HIGH, a call to register alternative Stats implementations that correspond to the new monitoring level is to be made by the component. Consequently, a new MBean is registered with the MBeanServer so that clients may now request statistics corresponding to the monitoring level.
    Registered Stats implementations can be unregistered through the component specific unregister() methods.
    $Revision: 1.4 $
    Shreedhar Ganapathy
    See Also:,
    • Method Detail

      • registerEntityBeanStats

        void registerEntityBeanStats​(EntityBeanStats entityBeanStats,
                                     String entityBeanName,
                                     String moduleName,
                                     String applicationName,
                                     MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                              throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for EntityBeanStats
        entityBeanStats - implementation of org.glassfish.j2ee.statistics.EntityBeanStats
        entityBeanName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for an EntityBean deployed under a standalone module.
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • unregisterEntityBeanStats

        void unregisterEntityBeanStats​(String entityBeanName,
                                       String moduleName,
                                       String applicationName)
                                throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the Stats implementation for EntityBeanStats
        entityBeanName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for an EntityBean deployed under a standalone module.
      • registerStatelessSessionBeanStats

        void registerStatelessSessionBeanStats​(StatelessSessionBeanStats statelessSessionBeanStats,
                                               String statelessSessionBeanName,
                                               String moduleName,
                                               String applicationName,
                                               MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                        throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for StatelessSessionBeanStats
        statelessSessionBeanStats - implementation of org.glassfish.j2ee.statistics.StatelessSessionBeanStats
        statelessSessionBeanName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for a StatelessSessionBean deployed under a standalone module.
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • unregisterStatelessSessionBeanStats

        void unregisterStatelessSessionBeanStats​(String statelessSessionBeanName,
                                                 String moduleName,
                                                 String applicationName)
                                          throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the Stats implementation for StatelessSessionBeanStats
        statelessSessionBeanName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for a StatelessSessionBean deployed under a standalone module.
      • registerStatefulSessionBeanStats

        void registerStatefulSessionBeanStats​(StatefulSessionBeanStats statefulSessionBeanStats,
                                              String statefulSessionBeanName,
                                              String moduleName,
                                              String applicationName,
                                              MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                       throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for StatefulSessionBeanStats
        statefulSessionBeanStats - implementation of from org.glassfish.j2ee.statistics.StatefulSessionBeanStats
        statefulSessionBeanName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for a StatefulSessionBean deployed under a standalone module.
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • unregisterStatefulSessionBeanStats

        void unregisterStatefulSessionBeanStats​(String statefulSessionBeanName,
                                                String moduleName,
                                                String applicationName)
                                         throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the Stats implementation for StatefulSessionBeanStats
        statefulSessionBeanName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for a StatefulSessionBean deployed under a standalone module.
      • registerMessageDrivenBeanStats

        void registerMessageDrivenBeanStats​(MessageDrivenBeanStats messageDrivenBeanStats,
                                            String messageDrivenBeanName,
                                            String moduleName,
                                            String applicationName,
                                            MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                     throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for MessageDrivenBeanStats
        messageDrivenBeanStats - implementation of org.glassfish.j2ee.statistics.MessageDrivenBeanStats
        messageDrivenBeanName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for a MessageDrivenBean deployed under a standalone module.
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • unregisterMessageDrivenBeanStats

        void unregisterMessageDrivenBeanStats​(String messageDrivenBeanName,
                                              String moduleName,
                                              String applicationName)
                                       throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the Stats implementation for MessageDrivenBeanStats
        messageDrivenBeanName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for a MessageDrivenBean deployed under a standalone module.
      • registerEJBCacheStats

        void registerEJBCacheStats​(EJBCacheStats ejbCacheStats,
                                   MonitoredObjectType ejbType,
                                   String ejbName,
                                   String moduleName,
                                   String applicationName,
                                   MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                            throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for EJBCacheStats
        ejbCacheStats - implemetation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.EJBCacheStats
        ejbName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for an EJB deployed under a standalone module.
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerEJBPoolStats

        void registerEJBPoolStats​(EJBPoolStats ejbPoolStats,
                                  MonitoredObjectType ejbType,
                                  String ejbName,
                                  String moduleName,
                                  String applicationName,
                                  MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                           throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for EJBPoolStats
        ejbPoolStats - implementation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.EJBPoolStats
        ejbName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for an EJB deployed under a standalone module.
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerEJBMethodStats

        void registerEJBMethodStats​(EJBMethodStats ejbMethodStats,
                                    String ejbMethodName,
                                    MonitoredObjectType ejbType,
                                    String ejbName,
                                    String moduleName,
                                    String applicationName,
                                    MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                             throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for EJBMethodStats
        ejbMethodStats - implementation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.EJBMethodStats
        ejbMethodName -
        ejbName -
        moduleName -
        applicationName - passing a null here would indicate that this is a registration for an EJB deployed under a standalone module.
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerOrbConnectionManagerStats

        void registerOrbConnectionManagerStats​(OrbConnectionManagerStats orbConnectionManagerStats,
                                               String connectionMgrName,
                                               MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                        throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for OrbConnectionManagerStats
        orbConnectionManagerStats - implementation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.OrbConnectionManagerStats
        connectionMgrName - id of the connection-manager
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerThreadPoolStats

        void registerThreadPoolStats​(ThreadPoolStats ThreadPoolStats,
                                     String threadPoolId,
                                     MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                              throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for ThreadPoolStats. This is meant to be used for any ThreadPool in the server runtime.
        ThreadPoolStats - implementation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.ThreadPoolStats
        poolId - String that represents the thread pool id -- needs to be unique
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerConnectorConnectionPoolStats

        void registerConnectorConnectionPoolStats​(ConnectorConnectionPoolStats connectorConnectionPoolStats,
                                                  String connectorConnectionPoolName,
                                                  MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                           throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for ConnectorConnectionPoolStats
        connectorConnectionPoolStats - implementation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.ConnectorConnectionPoolStats
        connectorConnectionPoolName -
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerJDBCConnectionPoolStats

        void registerJDBCConnectionPoolStats​(JDBCConnectionPoolStats jdbcConnectionPoolStats,
                                             String jdbcConnectionPoolName,
                                             MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                      throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for JDBCConnectionPoolStats
        jdbcConnectionPoolStats - implementation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.JDBCConnectionPoolStats
        jdbcConnectionPoolName -
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerJTAStats

        void registerJTAStats​(GFJTAStats jtaStats,
                              MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                       throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for the resource JTAStats
        jtaStats - implementation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.JTAStats
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerHttpListenerStats

        void registerHttpListenerStats​(HTTPListenerStats stats,
                                       String listenerName,
                                       String vsId,
                                       MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registeres the Stats for Http Listener for the web-server/web-container layer. Can't be called for the same listener more than once. This method should generally be called when a particular listener is being started.
        listenerName - String representing the name of the listener (may not be null)
        vsId - String representing the id of pertinent virtual server (may not be null)
        MonitoringRegistrationException - in case there is a registration failure
      • unregisterHttpListenerStats

        void unregisterHttpListenerStats​(String listenerName,
                                         String vsId)
                                  throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the stats for Http Listener for given listenerName and virtual-server-id. This method should generally be called when particular listener is deleted/stopped.
        listenerName - String representing the listener's name (may not be null)
        vsId - String represeting the virtual server id (may not be null)
        MonitoringRegistrationException - in case of a failure
      • registerMonitoringLevelListener

        void registerMonitoringLevelListener​(MonitoringLevelListener listener,
                                             MonitoredObjectType objType)
        Registers the given listener for the given type of monitorable entity. It is required that all the implementing classes issue the callback synchonously to the provided MonitoringLevelListener before returning to the caller. The idea is that core components should know if the registration of specific Stats is required before doing the actual registration. It is upto the components to decide what do when the callback is issued. The given listener will be added to the internal list of listeners and will be notified when the level changes. Note that this method breaks the relationship between a Stats object and a MonitoringLevelListener object. Thus all the listeners that register through this method will receive null as the Stats parameter value in MonitoringLevelListener#changeLevel method.
        RuntimeException - if the registration fails
      • unregisterMonitoringLevelListener

        void unregisterMonitoringLevelListener​(MonitoringLevelListener listener)
        Unregisters the given MonitoringLevelListener so that it is removed from internal list. The registration of same listener has to be done prior to this method call. This will usually happen when the registered listener has to exit from the VM.
        MonitoringLevelListener - that is registered earlier
        RuntimeException - if the Listener is not registered before
      • registerServletStats

        void registerServletStats​(ServletStats stats,
                                  String j2eeAppName,
                                  String webModuleName,
                                  String ctxRoot,
                                  String vsId,
                                  String servletName,
                                  MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                           throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        registers a servlet/JSP, with the monitoring infrastructure The servlet/Jsp could be part of a J2EE Application or a stand-alone web module.
        stats - An instance of the ServletStats
        j2eeAppName - A string representing the J2EE Application to which the webmodule belongs. If the j2eeAppName is null, then the webmodule is a stand-alone webmodule
        webModuleName - The name of the web module to which the servlet belongs
        ctxRoot - The context root at which the web module has been deployed
        vsId - The virtual-server, with which the webmodule is associated
        servletName - The name of the servlet/jsp being monitored
        listener -
        MonitoringRegistrationException - in case of a failure
      • unregisterServletStats

        void unregisterServletStats​(String j2eeAppName,
                                    String webModuleName,
                                    String ctxRoot,
                                    String vsId,
                                    String servletName)
                             throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        unregisters a servlet/JSP, from the monitoring infrastructure The servlet/Jsp could be part of a J2EE Application or a stand-alone web module.
        j2eeAppName - A string representing the J2EE Application to which the webmodule belongs. If the j2eeAppName is null, then the webmodule is a stand-alone webmodule
        webModuleName - The name of the web module to which the servlet belongs
        ctxRoot - The context root at which the web module has been deployed
        vsId - The virtual-server, with which the webmodule is associated
        servletName - The name of the servlet/jsp being monitored
        MonitoringRegistrationException - in case of a failure
      • registerWebModuleStats

        void registerWebModuleStats​(WebModuleStats stats,
                                    String j2eeAppName,
                                    String webModuleName,
                                    String ctxRoot,
                                    String vsId,
                                    MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                             throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the given WebModuleStats for the web module with the given webModuleName deployed on the virtual server with the given vsId.
        stats - The stats to register
        j2eeAppName - String representing the J2EE Application to which the web module belongs, or null if the web module is stand-alone
        webModuleName - The name of the web module for which to register the stats
        ctxRoot - The context root at which the web module has been deployed
        vsId - The id of the virtual-server on which the web module has been deployed
        listener - The listener for monitoring level changes
      • unregisterWebModuleStats

        void unregisterWebModuleStats​(String j2eeAppName,
                                      String webModuleName,
                                      String ctxRoot,
                                      String vsId)
                               throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters any WebModuleStats from the web module with the given webModuleName deployed on the virtual server with the given vsId.
        j2eeAppName - String representing the J2EE Application to which the web module belongs, or null if the web module is stand-alone
        webModuleName - The name of the web module from which to unregister the stats
        ctxRoot - The context root at which the web module has been deployed
        vsId - The id of the virtual-server on which the web module has been deployed
      • getWebModuleStats

        WebModuleStats getWebModuleStats​(String j2eeAppName,
                                         String webModuleName,
                                         String ctxRoot,
                                         String vsId)
        Gets the WebModuleStats associated with the web module named webModuleName that is part of the application named j2eeAppName and has been deployed on the virtual server vsId.
        j2eeAppName - String representing the J2EE Application to which the web module belongs, or null if the web module is stand-alone
        webModuleName - The name of the web module whose stats are to be returned
        ctxRoot - The context root at which the web module has been deployed
        vsId - The id of the virtual-server on which the web module has been deployed
        The desired WebModuleStats
      • registerConnectorWorkMgmtStats

        void registerConnectorWorkMgmtStats​(ConnectorWorkMgmtStats stats,
                                            String j2eeAppName,
                                            String moduleName,
                                            MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                     throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the work management stats for the connector
        stats - an instance of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.ConnectorWorkMgmtStats
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp,in which the connector is embedded if null, indicates that a standalone connector is being monitored
        moduleName - the name of the connector module
        listener - the listener for monitoring level changes
      • registerConnectorWorkMgmtStats

        void registerConnectorWorkMgmtStats​(ConnectorWorkMgmtStats stats,
                                            String j2eeAppName,
                                            String moduleName,
                                            boolean isJms,
                                            MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                     throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the work management stats for the connector
        stats - an instance of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.ConnectorWorkMgmtStats
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp,in which the connector is embedded if null, indicates that a standalone connector is being monitored
        moduleName - the name of the connector module
        isJms - if true, indicates that the workmanagement stats are being registered for jms-service
        listener - the listener for monitoring level changes
      • unregisterConnectorWorkMgmtStats

        void unregisterConnectorWorkMgmtStats​(String j2eeAppName,
                                              String moduleName)
                                       throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the work management stats for the connector
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp,in which the connector is embedded if null, indicates that a standalone connector is being monitored
        moduleName - the name of the connector module
      • unregisterConnectorWorkMgmtStats

        void unregisterConnectorWorkMgmtStats​(String j2eeAppName,
                                              String moduleName,
                                              boolean isJms)
                                       throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the work management stats for the connector
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp,in which the connector is embedded if null, indicates that a standalone connector is being monitored
        moduleName - the name of the connector module
        isJms - if true, indicates that the workmanagement stats are being unregistered from jms-service
      • registerConnectorConnectionPoolStats

        void registerConnectorConnectionPoolStats​(ConnectorConnectionPoolStats stats,
                                                  String poolName,
                                                  String j2eeAppName,
                                                  String moduleName,
                                                  MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                           throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Stats implementation for ConnectorConnectionPoolStats
        connectorConnectionPoolStats - implementation of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.ConnectorConnectionPoolStats
        poolName -
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp
        moduleName - the name the connector module
        listener - This an optional field and when not required, a null value should be passed. If a MonitoringLevelListener is defined, the listener's setLevel() method will be called in response to a change in monitoring level.
      • registerStatefulSessionStoreStats

        void registerStatefulSessionStoreStats​(StatefulSessionStoreStats stats,
                                               MonitoredObjectType ejbType,
                                               String ejbName,
                                               String moduleName,
                                               String j2eeAppName,
                                               MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                        throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Sessionstore stats for an ejb
        stats - an instance of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.StatefulSessionStoreStats
        ejbName - the name of the ejb for which the stats are being registered
        moduleName - the name of the jar to which the ejb belongs
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp, that contains the ejb jar if null, indicates that the ejb jar is standalone
        listener - the listener for monitoring level changes
      • unregisterStatefulSessionStoreStats

        void unregisterStatefulSessionStoreStats​(MonitoredObjectType ejbType,
                                                 String ejbName,
                                                 String moduleName,
                                                 String j2eeAppName)
                                          throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the Sessionstore stats for the ejb
        ejbName - the name of the ejb for which the stats are being unregistered
        moduleName - the name of the jar, to which the ejb belongs
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp, that contains the ejb jar
      • registerTimerStats

        void registerTimerStats​(TimerServiceStats stats,
                                MonitoredObjectType ejbType,
                                String ejbName,
                                String moduleName,
                                String j2eeAppName,
                                MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                         throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the timer stats for an ejb
        stats - an instance of com.sun.enterprise.admin.monitor.stats.TimerServiceStats
        ejbName - the name of the ejb for which the stats are being registered
        moduleName - the name of the jar containing the ejb
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp, that contains the ejb jar if null, indicated that the ejb jar is standalone
        listener - the listener for monitoring level changes
      • registerWSAggregateStatsForWeb

        void registerWSAggregateStatsForWeb​(Stats stats,
                                            String endpointName,
                                            String moduleName,
                                            String ctxRoot,
                                            String j2eeAppName,
                                            String vs,
                                            MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                     throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Aggregate stats for an web service endpoint
        stats - an instance of
        endpointName - the name of the endpoint for which the stats are being registered
        moduleName - the name of the jar to which the ejb belongs
        ctxRoot - The context root at which the web module has been deployed
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp, that contains the ejb jar if null, indicates that the ejb jar is standalone
        listener - the listener for monitoring level changes
      • unregisterWSAggregateStatsForWeb

        void unregisterWSAggregateStatsForWeb​(String endpointName,
                                              String moduleName,
                                              String ctxRoot,
                                              String j2eeAppName,
                                              String vs)
                                       throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the web service stats in a module
        endpointName - the name of the endpoint for which the stats are being unregistered
        moduleName - the name of the jar, to which the endpoint belongs
        ctxRoot - The context root at which the web module has been deployed
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp, that contains the ejb jar
      • registerWSAggregateStatsForEjb

        void registerWSAggregateStatsForEjb​(Stats stats,
                                            String endpointName,
                                            String moduleName,
                                            String j2eeAppName,
                                            MonitoringLevelListener listener)
                                     throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Registers the Aggregate stats for an web service endpoint
        stats - an instance of
        endpointName - the name of the endpoint for which the stats are being registered
        moduleName - the name of the jar to which the ejb belongs
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp, that contains the ejb jar if null, indicates that the ejb jar is standalone
        listener - the listener for monitoring level changes
      • unregisterWSAggregateStatsForEjb

        void unregisterWSAggregateStatsForEjb​(String endpointName,
                                              String moduleName,
                                              String j2eeAppName)
                                       throws MonitoringRegistrationException
        Unregisters the web service stats in a module
        endpointName - the name of the endpoint for which the stats are being unregistered
        moduleName - the name of the jar, to which the endpoint belongs
        j2eeAppName - the name of the j2eeApp, that contains the ejb jar