Class ResourcesUtil

  • public class ResourcesUtil
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • getGlobalResources

        public Resources getGlobalResources()
      • getApplicationDeployLocation

        public String getApplicationDeployLocation​(String appName)
        Gets the deployment location for a J2EE application.
        appName - application name
        application deploy location
      • belongToStandAloneRar

        public boolean belongToStandAloneRar​(String resourceAdapterName)
      • getCorrespondingCmpResourceName

        protected String getCorrespondingCmpResourceName​(ResourceInfo resourceInfo)
        Returns the deferred admin object config. This can be admin object of JMS RA which is lazily loaded. Or for other connector RA which is not loaded at start-up. The connector RA which does not have any resource or admin object associated with it are not loaded at start-up. They are all lazily loaded.
      • isReferenced

        public boolean isReferenced​(ResourceInfo resourceInfo)
        Returns true if the given resource is referenced by this server.
        resourceInfo - the name of the resource
        true if the named resource is used/referred by this server
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled​(Application application)
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled​(Resource resource)
        Checks if a Resource is enabled.

        Since 8.1 PE/SE/EE, A resource [except resource adapter configs, connector and JDBC connection pools which are global and hence enabled always] is enabled only when the resource is enabled and there exists a resource ref to this resource in this server instance and that resource ref is enabled.

        Before a resource is loaded or deployed, it is checked to see if it is enabled.

        8.1 PE/SE/EE
      • isEnabled

        public boolean isEnabled​(ResourcePool pool)
      • getResourceType

        public String getResourceType​(ConfigBeanProxy cb)
        Gets a JDBC resource on the basis of its jndi name
        jndiName - the jndi name of the JDBC resource to lookup
        checkReference - if true, returns this JDBC resource only if it is referenced in this server. If false, returns the JDBC resource irrespective of whether it is referenced or not.
        JdbcResource resource
      • isPoolReferredInServerInstance

        public boolean isPoolReferredInServerInstance​(PoolInfo poolInfo)
        Determines if a connector connection pool is referred in a server-instance via resource-refs
        poolInfo - pool-name
        boolean true if pool is referred in this server instance as well enabled, false otherwise
      • isRARResource

        public boolean isRARResource​(Resource resource)