Interface SingleConfigCode<T extends ConfigBeanProxy>

  • public interface SingleConfigCode<T extends ConfigBeanProxy>
    SimpleConfigCode is code snippet that can be used to apply some configuration changes to one configuration object. For example say, you need to modify the HttpListener config object with a new port number, you can do so by writing the following code snippet. new SingleConfigCode<HttpListener>() { public boolean run(HttpListener httpListener) throws PropertyVetoException { httpListener.setPort("8989"); return true; } }; This new SingleConfigCode can then be used with in the ConfigSupport utilities to run this code within a Transaction freeing the developer to know/care about Transaction APIs and semantics.
    Jerome Dochez
    • Method Detail

      • run

        Object run​(T param)
            throws PropertyVetoException,
        Runs the following command passing the configration object. The code will be run within a transaction, returning true will commit the transaction, false will abort it.
        param - is the configuration object protected by the transaction
        any object that should be returned from within the transaction code
        PropertyVetoException - if the changes cannot be applied to the configuration