class SqlMirrorContext[Idiom <: Idiom, Naming <: NamingStrategy](idiom: Idiom, naming: Naming) extends MirrorContext[Idiom, Naming] with SqlContext[Idiom, Naming] with ArrayMirrorEncoding
trait ArrayMirrorEncoding
trait ArrayEncoding
trait AstSplicing
trait MirrorEncoders
trait MirrorDecoders
trait Closeable
trait AutoCloseable
trait EncodingDsl
trait LowPriorityImplicits
trait RowContext
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Type members
Inherited classlikes
case class ActionReturningMirror[T](string: String, prepareRow: PrepareRow, extractor: () => T, returningBehavior: ReturnAction, info: ExecutionInfo)
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
case class BatchActionReturningMirror[T](groups: List[(String, ReturnAction, List[PrepareRow])], extractor: () => T, info: ExecutionInfo)
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
case class BatchGroupReturning(string: String, returningBehavior: ReturnAction, prepare: List[Prepare])
- Inherited from
- ProtoContext
case class QueryMirror[T](string: String, prepareRow: PrepareRow, extractor: () => T, info: ExecutionInfo)
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
Inherited types
Value members
Inherited methods
override def executeAction[T](string: String, prepare: Prepare)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): Result[RunActionResult]
- Definition Classes
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
def executeActionReturning[T](sql: String, prepare: Prepare, extractor: () => T, returningBehavior: ReturnAction)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): Result[ActionReturningMirror[T]]
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
override def executeBatchAction(groups: List[BatchGroup])(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): Result[RunBatchActionResult]
- Definition Classes
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
override def executeBatchActionReturning[T](groups: List[BatchGroupReturning], extractor: () => T)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): Result[BatchActionReturningMirror[T]]
- Definition Classes
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
override def executeQuery[T](string: String, prepare: Prepare, extractor: () => T)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): Result[QueryMirror[T]]
- Definition Classes
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
override def executeQuerySingle[T](string: String, prepare: Prepare, extractor: () => T)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): Result[QueryMirror[T]]
- Definition Classes
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
protected def mappedBaseDecoder[Base, Mapped](mapped: MappedEncoding[Base, Mapped], decoder: () => Base): () => Mapped
- Inherited from
- EncodingDsl
protected def mappedBaseEncoder[Mapped, Base](mapped: MappedEncoding[Mapped, Base], encoder: () => Base): () => Mapped
- Inherited from
- EncodingDsl
inline def prepare[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): PrepareBatchActionResult
- Inherited from
- PrepareContext
def prepareAction(string: String, prepare: Prepare)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): PrepareActionResult
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
def prepareBatchAction(groups: List[BatchGroup])(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): PrepareBatchActionResult
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
def prepareQuery(string: String, prepare: Prepare)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): PrepareQueryResult
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
def prepareSingle(string: String, prepare: Prepare)(info: ExecutionInfo, dc: DatasourceContext): PrepareQueryResult
- Inherited from
- MirrorContextBase
inline def run[I, T, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, T]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Result[BatchActionReturningMirror[T]]
- Inherited from
- Context
inline def run[I, A <: Action[I] & QAC[I, Nothing]](inline quoted: Quoted[BatchAction[A]]): Result[RunBatchActionResult]
- Inherited from
- Context
inline def run[E, T](inline quoted: Quoted[ActionReturning[E, T]]): Result[ActionReturningMirror[T]]
- Inherited from
- Context
Inherited fields
Inherited extensions
extension (q: Query[T])
Inherited implicits
implicit def arrayBigDecimalDecoder[Col <: Seq[BigDecimal]](bf: Factory[BigDecimal, Col]): MirrorDecoder[Col]
- Inherited from
- ArrayMirrorEncoding
implicit def arrayBooleanDecoder[Col <: Seq[Boolean]](bf: Factory[Boolean, Col]): MirrorDecoder[Col]
- Inherited from
- ArrayMirrorEncoding
implicit def arrayLocalDateDecoder[Col <: Seq[LocalDate]](bf: Factory[LocalDate, Col]): MirrorDecoder[Col]
- Inherited from
- ArrayMirrorEncoding
implicit def arrayMappedDecoder[I, O, Col <: ([X] =>> Seq[X])](mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], d: MirrorDecoder[Seq[I]], bf: Factory[O, Col[O]]): MirrorDecoder[Col[O]]
- Inherited from
- ArrayEncoding
implicit def arrayMappedEncoder[I, O, Col <: ([X] =>> Seq[X])](mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], e: MirrorEncoder[Seq[O]]): MirrorEncoder[Col[I]]
- Inherited from
- ArrayEncoding
implicit def mappedDecoder[I, O](mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], d: MirrorDecoder[I]): MirrorDecoder[O]
- Inherited from
- MirrorDecoders
implicit def mappedEncoder[I, O](mapped: MappedEncoding[I, O], e: MirrorEncoder[O]): MirrorEncoder[I]
- Inherited from
- MirrorEncoders