
trait ContextEffect[F[_]]

In order to be able to reuse methods in the Jdbc Context as well as others, there must be a way to encapsulate the effects of these contexts. This simple interface provides them in a fairly generic manner.

In order to be able to reuse methods in the Jdbc Context as well as others, there must be a way to encapsulate the effects of these contexts. This simple interface provides them in a fairly generic manner.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def push[A, B](result: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]

Map a parameter of the effect. This is really just a functor.

Map a parameter of the effect. This is really just a functor.

def seq[A](f: List[F[A]]): F[List[A]]

Aggregate a list of effects into a single effect element. Most effect types used in Quill context easily support this kind of operation e.g. Futures, monix Tasks, Observables, etc...

Aggregate a list of effects into a single effect element. Most effect types used in Quill context easily support this kind of operation e.g. Futures, monix Tasks, Observables, etc...

def wrap[T](t: => T): F[T]

Lift an element or block of code in the context into the specified effect.

Lift an element or block of code in the context into the specified effect.