
object Bench
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


abstract class Forked[U] extends Bench[U]

Benchmark that runs snippets in separate JVMs. Reports result into the console.

Benchmark that runs snippets in separate JVMs. Reports result into the console.

abstract class ForkedTime extends Forked[Double]

A more reliable benchmark run in a separate JVM. Reports execution time into the console.

A more reliable benchmark run in a separate JVM. Reports execution time into the console.

class Group extends Bench[Nothing] with GroupedPerformanceTest
abstract class Local[U] extends Bench[U]

Benchmark that runs snippets in the same JVM. Reports result into the console.

Benchmark that runs snippets in the same JVM. Reports result into the console.

abstract class LocalTime extends Local[Double]

Quick benchmark runs snippets in the same JVM. Reports execution time into the console.

Quick benchmark runs snippets in the same JVM. Reports execution time into the console.

abstract class OfflineRegressionReport extends HTMLReport

Runs in separate JVM, performs regression tests and prepares an offline HTML document.

Runs in separate JVM, performs regression tests and prepares an offline HTML document.

abstract class OfflineReport extends HTMLReport

Runs in separate JVM and prepares an offline HTML document. Does not regression testing.

Runs in separate JVM and prepares an offline HTML document. Does not regression testing.

abstract class OnlineRegressionReport extends HTMLReport

Runs in separate JVM, performs regression tests and prepares HTML document for online hosting.

Runs in separate JVM, performs regression tests and prepares HTML document for online hosting.

abstract class Persisted[U] extends Bench[U]

Benchmark that runs snippets in separate JVMs. It persists results in the gzipped JSON format with appropriate reporter.

Benchmark that runs snippets in separate JVMs. It persists results in the gzipped JSON format with appropriate reporter.

Deprecated classlikes

abstract class HTMLReport extends Persisted[Double]

A base for benchmarks generating a more detailed (regression) report, potentially online.

A base for benchmarks generating a more detailed (regression) report, potentially online.

@deprecated("This performance test is now deprecated, ".+("please use `OnlineRegressionReport` instead."), "0.5")
abstract class Regression extends Bench[Double]

Deprecated types

@deprecated("Please use Bench.ForkedTime instead", "0.7")
@deprecated("Please use Bench.LocalTime instead", "0.7")