
trait Tester

Performance regression testing mechanism.

Performance regression testing mechanism.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply[T](context: Context, curvedata: CurveData[T], corresponding: Seq[CurveData[T]])(`evidence$2`: Numeric[T]): CurveData[T]

Given a test performed in a specific context, the latest curve (set of measurements) curvedata and previous curves (sets of measurements) for this test corresponding, yields a new version of the latest curve, such that if any of the tests fail, the new sequence of curves will have the success field set to false for those measurements that are considered to fail the test.

Given a test performed in a specific context, the latest curve (set of measurements) curvedata and previous curves (sets of measurements) for this test corresponding, yields a new version of the latest curve, such that if any of the tests fail, the new sequence of curves will have the success field set to false for those measurements that are considered to fail the test.

Concrete methods

def confidenceInterval[T](ctx: Context, alt: Seq[T])(`evidence$3`: Numeric[T]): (Double, Double)

Returns a confidence interval for a given set of observations.

Returns a confidence interval for a given set of observations.