
Type members


class AstCreationPass(cpg: Cpg, astGenRunnerResult: AstGenRunnerResult, config: Config, report: Report) extends ConcurrentWriterCpgPass[(String, String)]
class BuiltinTypesPass(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass
class ConfigPass(cpg: Cpg, config: Config, report: Report) extends ConcurrentWriterCpgPass[File]
class ConstClosurePass(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass

A pass that identifies assignments of closures to constants and updates METHOD nodes accordingly.

A pass that identifies assignments of closures to constants and updates METHOD nodes accordingly.

object Defines
class DependenciesPass(cpg: Cpg, config: Config) extends SimpleCpgPass
class JsMetaDataPass(cpg: Cpg, hash: String, inputPath: String) extends SimpleCpgPass
class PrivateKeyFilePass(cpg: Cpg, config: Config, report: Report) extends ConfigPass
class RequirePass(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass

This pass enhances the call graph and call nodes by interpreting assignments of the form foo = require("module").

This pass enhances the call graph and call nodes by interpreting assignments of the form foo = require("module").

class TypeNodePass(usedTypes: List[(String, String)], cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass