
class RequirePass(cpg: Cpg) extends SimpleCpgPass

This pass enhances the call graph and call nodes by interpreting assignments of the form foo = require("module").

class SimpleCpgPass
class ForkJoinParallelCpgPass[AnyRef]
class NewStyleCpgPassBase[AnyRef]
trait CpgPassBase
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class Require(call: Call)
case class VariableInformation(nodes: List[AstNode])

Represents a local and all of its reference identifiers.

Represents a local and all of its reference identifiers.

Value parameters:

a list of a local and its reference identifiers.

Inherited types

type DiffGraphBuilder = DiffGraphBuilder
Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

override def run(diffGraph: DiffGraphBuilder): Unit
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

override def createAndApply(): Unit
Definition Classes
NewStyleCpgPassBase -> CpgPassBase
Inherited from:
override def createApplySerializeAndStore(serializedCpg: SerializedCpg, inverse: Boolean, prefix: String): Unit
Definition Classes
ForkJoinParallelCpgPass -> CpgPassBase
Inherited from:
def finish(): Unit
Inherited from:
final override def generateParts(): Array[_ <: AnyRef]
Definition Classes
SimpleCpgPass -> NewStyleCpgPassBase
Inherited from:
def init(): Unit
Inherited from:
def name: String

Name of the pass. By default it is inferred from the name of the class, override if needed.

Name of the pass. By default it is inferred from the name of the class, override if needed.

Inherited from:
final override def runOnPart(builder: DiffGraphBuilder, part: AnyRef): Unit
Definition Classes
SimpleCpgPass -> NewStyleCpgPassBase
Inherited from:
override def runWithBuilder(externalBuilder: DiffGraphBuilder): Int
Definition Classes
NewStyleCpgPassBase -> CpgPassBase
Inherited from:
def runWithBuilderLogged(builder: DiffGraphBuilder): Int

Wraps runWithBuilder with logging, and swallows raised exceptions. Use with caution -- API is unstable. A return value of -1 indicates failure, otherwise the return value of runWithBuilder is passed through.

Wraps runWithBuilder with logging, and swallows raised exceptions. Use with caution -- API is unstable. A return value of -1 indicates failure, otherwise the return value of runWithBuilder is passed through.

Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val exportTable: Map[(String, String), String]

A map from (filename, symbol) pairs to method full names based on export statements.

A map from (filename, symbol) pairs to method full names based on export statements.

val fileNameToMethodFullName: Map[String, String]

A map from file names to method full names based on assignments to module.exports.

A map from file names to method full names based on assignments to module.exports.