


package metric

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class AtomicLongGauge extends Gauge
  2. class AtomicLongMaxUpdater extends AnyRef
  3. trait Bucket extends AnyRef
  4. trait Counter extends AnyRef
  5. trait CounterMetric extends Metric[Counter] with Counter
  6. trait Distribution extends AnyRef
  7. class DistributionAccumulator extends AnyRef
  8. case class DynamicRange (lowestDiscernibleValue: Long, highestTrackableValue: Long, significantValueDigits: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  9. trait Gauge extends AnyRef
  10. trait GaugeMetric extends Metric[Gauge] with Gauge
  11. trait Histogram extends AnyRef
  12. trait HistogramMetric extends Metric[Histogram] with Histogram
  13. class LongAdderCounter extends Counter
  14. case class MeasurementUnit (dimension: Dimension, magnitude: Magnitude) extends Product with Serializable

    A MeasurementUnit is a simple representation of the dimension and magnitude of a quantity being measured, such as "Time in Seconds" or "Data in Kilobytes".

    A MeasurementUnit is a simple representation of the dimension and magnitude of a quantity being measured, such as "Time in Seconds" or "Data in Kilobytes". The main use of these units is done by the metric instruments; when a instrument has a specified MeasurementUnit the reporters can apply scaling in case it's necessary to meet the backend's requirements.

  15. trait Metric [T] extends AnyRef
  16. case class MetricDistribution (name: String, tags: Tags, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange, distribution: Distribution) extends Product with Serializable

    Snapshot for instruments that internally the distribution of values in a defined dynamic range.

    Snapshot for instruments that internally the distribution of values in a defined dynamic range. Meant to be used with histograms and min max counters.

  17. trait MetricLookup extends AnyRef
  18. class MetricRegistry extends MetricsSnapshotGenerator
  19. case class MetricValue (name: String, tags: Tags, unit: MeasurementUnit, value: Long) extends Product with Serializable

    Snapshot for instruments that internally track a single value.

    Snapshot for instruments that internally track a single value. Meant to be used for counters and gauges.

  20. case class MetricsSnapshot (histograms: Seq[MetricDistribution], rangeSamplers: Seq[MetricDistribution], gauges: Seq[MetricValue], counters: Seq[MetricValue]) extends Product with Serializable
  21. trait MetricsSnapshotGenerator extends AnyRef
  22. trait Percentile extends AnyRef
  23. case class PeriodSnapshot (from: Instant, to: Instant, metrics: MetricsSnapshot) extends Product with Serializable

    Contains immutable snapshots of all metrics recorded since from and until to.

  24. class PeriodSnapshotAccumulator extends AnyRef

    Merges snapshots over the specified duration and produces a snapshot with all merged metrics provided to it within the period.

    Merges snapshots over the specified duration and produces a snapshot with all merged metrics provided to it within the period. This class is mutable, not thread safe and assumes that all snapshots passed to the accumulate(...) function are ordered in time.

    The typical use of this class would be when writing metric reporters that have to report data at a specific interval and wants to protect from users configuring a more frequent metrics tick interval. Example:

    class Reporter extends MetricsReporter {
      val accumulator = new PeriodSnapshotAccumulator(Duration.ofSeconds(60), Duration.ofSeconds(1))
      def reportPeriodSnapshot(snapshot: PeriodSnapshot): Unit = {
        accumulator.add(snapshot).foreach(accumulatedSnapshot => {
          // Process your snapshot here, will only be called when the expected period has passed.

    The margin time is used to determine how close the current accumulated interval can to be to the expected interval and still get reported. In the example above a accumulated period of 59.6 seconds has a margin to 60 seconds of 0.4 seconds, thus, getting reported immediately instead of waiting for the next snapshot.

    A detail of what has been accumulated by calling the .peek() function.

  25. trait RangeSampler extends AnyRef
  26. trait RangeSamplerMetric extends Metric[RangeSampler] with RangeSampler
  27. class Scaler extends AnyRef
  28. class SimpleRangeSampler extends RangeSampler
  29. trait StartedTimer extends AnyRef
  30. trait Timer extends Histogram
  31. trait TimerMetric extends Metric[Timer] with Timer
