
object UrlPath
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(parts: Iterable[String]): UrlPath
def fromRaw(s: String)(implicit config: UriConfig): UrlPath

Unlike UrlPath.parse, this method treats the supplied String as a raw path and does not require reserved characters to be PercentEncoded

Unlike UrlPath.parse, this method treats the supplied String as a raw path and does not require reserved characters to be PercentEncoded

def parse(s: CharSequence)(implicit config: UriConfig): UrlPath
def parseOption(s: CharSequence)(implicit config: UriConfig): Option[UrlPath]
def parseTry(s: CharSequence)(implicit config: UriConfig): Try[UrlPath]

Concrete fields



implicit val eqUrlPath: Eq[UrlPath]
implicit val orderUrlPath: Order[UrlPath]
implicit val showUrlPath: Show[UrlPath]