
class UrlParser(val input: String)(implicit conf: UriConfig) extends UriParser
trait UriParser
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def _abs_url: Parser[AbsoluteUrl]
def _authority: Parser0[Authority]
def _data_url: Parser[DataUrl]
def _domain_name: Parser0[DomainName]
def _fragment: Parser[String]
def _full_ip_v6: Parser[IpV6]
def _host: Parser0[Host]
def _host_in_authority: Parser0[Host]
def _host_in_authority(hostEndChars: String): Parser0[Host]
def _int(maxLength: Int): Parser[Int]
def _ip_in_url_end: Parser0[Unit]

To ensure that hosts that begin with an IP but have further leading characters are not matched as IPs, we need to anchor the tail end to a character that signals the end of the host. E.g.

To ensure that hosts that begin with an IP but have further leading characters are not matched as IPs, we need to anchor the tail end to a character that signals the end of the host. E.g.

The host in the URL should be DomainName(, not IPv4(

def _ip_in_url_end(hostEndChars: String): Parser0[Unit]
def _ip_v4: Parser[IpV4]
def _ip_v6: Parser[IpV6]
def _ip_v6_hex_piece: Parser[String]
def _ip_v6_hex_pieces: Parser0[Seq[String]]
def _ip_v6_with_eluded: Parser[IpV6]
def _media_type: Parser0[MediaType]
def _media_type_param: Parser[(String, String)]
def _octet: Parser[Int]
def _path: Parser0[UrlPath]

A sequence of path parts optionally starting with a slash

A sequence of path parts optionally starting with a slash

A sequence of path parts that MUST start with a slash

A sequence of path parts that MUST start with a slash

If a URI contains an authority component, then the path component must either be empty or begin with a slash ("/") character.

def _path_segment: Parser[String]
def _port: Parser[Int]
def _query_param: Parser[(String, Some[String])]
def _query_param_or_tok: Parser0[(String, Option[String])]
def _query_tok: Parser[(String, None)]
def _rel_url: Parser0[RelativeUrl]
def _scheme: Parser[String]
def _scp_like_user: Parser0[Option[String]]
def _url: Parser0[Url]
def _user_info: Parser0[UserInfo]
def parseDataUrl(): Try[DataUrl]
def parseHost(): Try[Host]
def parseIpV4(): Try[IpV4]
def parseIpV6(): Try[IpV6]
def parsePath(): Try[UrlPath]
def parseQuery(): Try[QueryString]
def parseQueryParam(): Try[(String, Option[String])]
def parseUrl(): Try[Url]
def parseUserInfo(): Try[UserInfo]

Concrete fields

val _host_end: String
val extractAuthority: (Option[UserInfo], Host, Option[Int]) => Authority
val extractFragment: String => String
val extractFullIpv6: Seq[String] => IpV6
val extractHexToInt: String => Int
val extractInt: String => Int
val extractIpv4: (Int, Int, Int, Int) => IpV4
val extractIpv6WithEluded: (Seq[String], Seq[String]) => IpV6
val extractMediaType: (String, Seq[(String, String)]) => MediaType
val extractMediaTypeParam: (String, String) => (String, String)
val extractPathPart: String => String
val extractQueryString: Seq[(String, Option[String])] => QueryString
val extractRelPath: (String, Seq[String]) => UrlPath
val extractScpLikeUrl: (Option[String], Host, UrlPath) => ScpLikeUrl
val extractTok: String => (String, None)
val extractTuple: (String, String) => (String, Some[String])
val extractUserInfo: (String, Option[String]) => UserInfo
val input: String

Inherited fields

val _alpha_num: Parser[Char]
Inherited from
val _hex_digit: Parser[Char]
Inherited from
val _p_char: Parser[Char]
Inherited from
val _pct_encoded: Parser[Char]
Inherited from
val _sub_delims: Parser[Char]
Inherited from
val _unreserved: Parser[Char]
Inherited from