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AbstractResourceI18nConcern - Class in io.rincl
Abstract class to facilitate implementing the concern for internationalization of resources.
AbstractResourceI18nConcern(ResourcesFactory) - Constructor for class io.rincl.AbstractResourceI18nConcern
AbstractStringResources - Class in io.rincl
Abstract implementation of access to i18n resources for which the underlying storage is based on strings.
AbstractStringResources(Class<?>) - Constructor for class io.rincl.AbstractStringResources
Context class constructor.


BaseResourceI18nConcern - Class in io.rincl
Abstract base class to facilitate implementing the concern for internationalization of resources.
BaseResourceI18nConcern(ResourcesFactory) - Constructor for class io.rincl.BaseResourceI18nConcern


ChildResourcesDecorator - Class in io.rincl
A wrapper resources that forwards calls to the decorated resources, falling back to a parent resources.
ChildResourcesDecorator(Resources, Resources) - Constructor for class io.rincl.ChildResourcesDecorator
Wrapped resources and parent resources constructor.
ConfigurationResources - Class in io.rincl
Resources that wrap an existing Configuration instance.
ConfigurationResources(Class<?>, Configuration) - Constructor for class io.rincl.ConfigurationResources
Context class and wrapped configuration constructor.
createMissingConfigurationKeyException(String) - Method in interface io.rincl.Resources


EmptyResourceI18nConcern - Class in io.rincl
Resource internationalization concern that returns an empty set of resources.
EmptyResources - Class in io.rincl
An implementation of resources that contains no definitions.
EmptyResources(Class<?>) - Constructor for class io.rincl.EmptyResources
Context class constructor.


findResources(Class<?>, Locale) - Method in class io.rincl.EmptyResourceI18nConcern
Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context class.
findResources(Class<?>, Locale) - Method in interface io.rincl.ResourcesFactory
Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context class.
findResources(Object, Locale) - Method in interface io.rincl.ResourcesFactory
Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context.
findString(String, Object...) - Method in class io.rincl.ChildResourcesDecorator
findString(String, Object...) - Method in class io.rincl.EmptyResources
findString(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.rincl.Resources
Retrieves a string resource that may not be present.


getConcernType() - Method in interface io.rincl.ResourceI18nConcern
getContextClass() - Method in class io.rincl.AbstractStringResources
getContextClass() - Method in class io.rincl.ChildResourcesDecorator
getContextClass() - Method in class io.rincl.ConfigurationResources
getContextClass() - Method in class io.rincl.EmptyResources
getContextClass() - Method in interface io.rincl.Resources
getDefaultResourceI18nConcern() - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Returns the default resource i18n concern.
getLocale(Locale.Category) - Method in class io.rincl.BaseResourceI18nConcern
getLocale(Locale.Category) - Method in class io.rincl.EmptyResourceI18nConcern
Retrieves the configured locale for the given category.
getLocale(Locale.Category) - Method in interface io.rincl.LocaleSelectable
Retrieves the configured locale for the given category.
getLocale(Locale.Category) - Method in class io.rincl.LocaleSelection
getLocale(Locale.Category) - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Retrieves the configured locale for the given category in the current context.
getParentResourcesFactory() - Method in class io.rincl.AbstractResourceI18nConcern
getResourceI18nConcern() - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Returns the configured resource i18n concern for the current context.
getResources() - Method in interface io.rincl.Rincled
Retrieves resources for the class.
getResources(Class<?>) - Method in interface io.rincl.ResourceI18nConcern
Retrieves resources for the given context class.
getResources(Class<?>) - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Retrieves resources for the current context for the given context class.
getResources(Class<?>, Locale) - Method in interface io.rincl.ResourcesFactory
Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context class.
getResources(Class<?>, Locale) - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the current context for the given context class.
getResources(Object) - Method in interface io.rincl.ResourceI18nConcern
Retrieves resources for the given context.
getResources(Object) - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Retrieves resources for the current context for the given context.
getResources(Object, Locale) - Method in interface io.rincl.ResourcesFactory
Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context.
getResources(Object, Locale) - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the current context for the given context.
getResources(Locale) - Method in interface io.rincl.Rincled
Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the class.
getString(String, Object...) - Method in interface io.rincl.Resources
Retrieves a string resource.


hasResource(String) - Method in interface io.rincl.Resources
Determines whether a resource of some type exists for the given resource key.


INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.rincl.EmptyResourceI18nConcern
Singleton instance of the resource i18n concern returning empty resources.
io.rincl - package io.rincl


LocaleSelectable - Interface in io.rincl
Allows selection of locale for locale category.
LocaleSelection - Class in io.rincl
Storage implementation for all available locale categories.
LocaleSelection() - Constructor for class io.rincl.LocaleSelection


MissingResourceKeyException - Exception in io.rincl
A configuration exception indicating that a configuration key was not found for resources.
MissingResourceKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception io.rincl.MissingResourceKeyException
Key constructor.
MissingResourceKeyException(String, String) - Constructor for exception io.rincl.MissingResourceKeyException
Message and key constructor.
MissingResourceKeyException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.rincl.MissingResourceKeyException
Message, key, and cause constructor.
MissingResourceKeyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.rincl.MissingResourceKeyException
Cause constructor.
MissingResourceKeyException(MissingResourceException) - Constructor for exception io.rincl.MissingResourceKeyException
Creates an exception from an instance of Java's missing resource exception, usually associated with resource bundles.


NONE - Static variable in interface io.rincl.ResourcesFactory
Resources factory that returns no resources, and when resources are required returns an empty resources instance.


ResourceI18nConcern - Interface in io.rincl
The concern for internationalization of resources.
Resources - Interface in io.rincl
Access to i18n resources.
ResourcesFactory - Interface in io.rincl
Creates resources for a given context and locale.
Rincl - Class in io.rincl
The Resource I18n Concern Library (Rincl) facilitates internationalization by providing access to localization Resources via Csar.
Rincl() - Constructor for class io.rincl.Rincl
Rincled - Interface in io.rincl
Mixin interface to provide quick-and-easy resources i18n support to a class.


setDefaultResourceI18nConcern(ResourceI18nConcern) - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Sets the default resource i18n concern.
setLocale(Locale) - Method in interface io.rincl.LocaleSelectable
Configures the locale for all locale categories.
setLocale(Locale) - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Configures the locale for the current context for all locale categories.
setLocale(Locale.Category, Locale) - Method in class io.rincl.BaseResourceI18nConcern
setLocale(Locale.Category, Locale) - Method in class io.rincl.EmptyResourceI18nConcern
Configures the locale for the given locale category.
setLocale(Locale.Category, Locale) - Method in interface io.rincl.LocaleSelectable
Configures the locale for the given locale category.
setLocale(Locale.Category, Locale) - Method in class io.rincl.LocaleSelection
setLocale(Locale.Category, Locale) - Static method in class io.rincl.Rincl
Configures the locale for the current context for the given locale category.


withFallback(Resources) - Method in interface io.rincl.Resources
Returns resources equivalent to these resources but that will fall back to a specified parent resources if a value is not present.
withFallback(Resources, Optional<Resources>) - Static method in interface io.rincl.Resources
Utility method that return resources equivalent to the given resources but that will fall back to optional parent resources if a value is not present.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form