Package io.rincl

Class Rincl


public class Rincl extends Object
The Resource I18n Concern Library (Rincl) facilitates internationalization by providing access to localization Resources via Csar.

Rincl uses the Csar ConcernProvider mechanism, so that an application can have access to a globally configured default Rincl implementation simply by including that implementation's dependency. For example merely including the dependency io.rincl:rincl-resourcebundle-provider:x.x.x will automatically provide resources from resource bundle property file lookup. Classes desiring resource access may then then implement Rincled for simplified retrieval of Resources.

More complex configuration may be done by manual configuration using setDefaultResourceI18nConcern(ResourceI18nConcern) with the concern of choice, as in the following example:

 Rincl.setDefaultResourceI18nConcern(new MyResourceI18nConcern());
Garret Wilson
See Also:
  • Csar