Package io.rincl

Interface ResourcesFactory

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractResourceI18nConcern, BaseResourceI18nConcern, EmptyResourceI18nConcern
Functional Interface:
This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

@FunctionalInterface public interface ResourcesFactory
Creates resources for a given context and locale.
Garret Wilson
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final ResourcesFactory
    Resources factory that returns no resources, and when resources are required returns an empty resources instance.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    findResources(Class<?> contextClass, Locale locale)
    Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context class.
    findResources(Object context, Locale locale)
    Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context.
    default Resources
    getResources(Class<?> contextClass, Locale locale)
    Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context class.
    default Resources
    getResources(Object context, Locale locale)
    Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context.
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      static final ResourcesFactory NONE
      Resources factory that returns no resources, and when resources are required returns an empty resources instance.
  • Method Details

    • getResources

      @Nonnull default Resources getResources(@Nonnull Object context, @Nonnull Locale locale) throws io.confound.config.ConfigurationException
      Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context.

      The context class returned by Resources.getContextClass() may not necessarily reflect the class of the context provided here.

      The default implementation delegates to findResources(Object, Locale).

      If no resources are available, empty resources will be returned.

      context - The context with which these resources are related; usually the object requesting the resource.
      locale - The locale for which resources should be returned for the given context.
      Access to configured resources for the given context.
      NullPointerException - if the given context and/or locale is null.
      io.confound.config.ConfigurationException - if there is a configuration error.
      See Also:
    • getResources

      @Nonnull default Resources getResources(@Nonnull Class<?> contextClass, @Nonnull Locale locale) throws io.confound.config.ConfigurationException
      Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context class.

      The context class returned by Resources.getContextClass() may not necessarily be the context class provided here.

      If no resources are available, empty resources will be returned.

      contextClass - The context with which these resources are related; usually the class of the object requesting the resource.
      locale - The locale for which resources should be returned for the given context class.
      Access to configured resources for the given context class.
      NullPointerException - if the given context class and/or locale is null.
      io.confound.config.ConfigurationException - if there is a configuration error.
    • findResources

      @Nonnull default Optional<Resources> findResources(@Nonnull Object context, @Nonnull Locale locale) throws io.confound.config.ConfigurationException
      Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context.

      The context class returned by Resources.getContextClass() may not necessarily reflect the class of the context provided here.

      The default implementation delegates to findResources(Class, Locale) providing the class of the given instance. Implementations of this interface should if at all possible implement the class-based resource lookup method variations and leave these default delegating method implementations so as to provide the most flexibility to consumers.

      context - The context with which these resources are related; usually the object requesting the resource.
      locale - The locale for which resources should be returned for the given context.
      Access to configured resources for the given context.
      NullPointerException - if the given context and/or locale is null.
      io.confound.config.ConfigurationException - if there is a configuration error.
      See Also:
    • findResources

      @Nonnull Optional<Resources> findResources(@Nonnull Class<?> contextClass, @Nonnull Locale locale) throws io.confound.config.ConfigurationException
      Retrieves resources related to a specified locale for the given context class.

      The context class returned by Resources.getContextClass() may not necessarily be the context class provided here.

      contextClass - The context with which these resources are related; usually the class of the object requesting the resource.
      locale - The locale for which resources should be returned for the given context class.
      Access to configured resources for the given context class.
      NullPointerException - if the given context class and/or locale is null.
      io.confound.config.ConfigurationException - if there is a configuration error.