All Classes and Interfaces

Formats logstash Events as JSON using JsonProviders.
A JsonProvider that has a configurable field name.
Writes the timestamp field as either: A string value formatted by a DateTimeFormatter pattern A string value representing the number of milliseconds since unix epoch (designated by specifying the pattern value as "[UNIX_TIMESTAMP_AS_STRING]") A number value of the milliseconds since unix epoch (designated by specifying the pattern value as "[UNIX_TIMESTAMP_AS_NUMBER]")
Writes the timestamp to the JsonGenerator as a number of milliseconds since unix epoch.
Writes the timestamp to the JsonGenerator as a string, converting the timestamp millis into a String using the supplied Function.
Writes the timestamp to the JsonGenerator
Parser that takes a JSON pattern, resolves all the conversion specifiers and returns an instance of NodeWriter that, when its write() method is invoked, produces JSON defined by the parsed pattern.
Base JsonProvider that provides default implementations for standard methods.
An AsyncDisruptorAppender appender that writes events to a TCP Socket outputStream.
An appender that sends events over UDP using a custom Layout.
A JsonProvider that nests other providers within a subobject.
Transforms an string containing patterns understood by PatternLayouts into JSON output.
Outputs an incrementing sequence number.
Logs an exception message for a given logging event.
Replaced by default methods in interface.
Used to make it make it more convenient to create well-known JsonProviders via xml configuration.
Replaced by default methods in interface.
JsonProvider producing a single JSON field with the IAccessEvent.getThreadName().
Listens to an appender.
Include the logging event's ILoggingEvent.getArgumentArray() in the JSON output.
An asynchronous appender that uses an LMAX Disruptor RingBuffer as the interthread data exchange mechanism (as opposed to a BlockingQueue used by logback's AsyncAppender).
Event wrapper object used for each element of the RingBuffer.
Factory for creating the initial AsyncDisruptorAppender.LogEvents to populate the RingBuffer.
Sets the AsyncDisruptorAppender.LogEvent.event to the logback Event.
An Abbreviator that caches results from a CachingAbbreviator.delegate abbreviator.
use net.logstash.logback.abbreviator.CachingAbbreviator instead
A JsonGeneratorDecorator that allows enabling/disabling of CBORGenerator features.
A JsonFactoryDecorator that will switch the output to binary CBOR output instead of JSON text.
Defines how a character will be escaped whenever that character is attempted to be written by a JsonGenerator.
Combines a list of decorators into a single decorator, so multiple decorators can be used together.
Combines a list of decorators into a single decorator, so multiple decorators can be used together.
Writes properties from the Context into the JSON event.
Abbreviates class names in a way similar to the Logback layout feature (see
A LogstashMarker that defers the creation of another LogstashMarker until the first time it is encoded.
A StructuredArgument that defers the creation of another StructuredArgument until the first time its value is needed.
A convenience class to make setting a DestinationConnectionStrategy cleaner in logback's xml configuration when using the strategies provided by logstash-logback-encoder.
An AsyncDisruptorAppender that delegates appending of an event to delegate DelegatingAsyncDisruptorAppender.appenders.
A StatusListener that delegates to another StatusListener
Strategy used to determine to which destination to connect, and when to reconnect.
A DestinationConnectionStrategy that will force a connection to be reestablished after a length of time has elapsed.
Constructs InetSocketAddresses by parsing String values.
An empty marker that does nothing itself, but can be used as a base marker when you want to conditionally chain other markers with LogstashMarker.and(Marker).
Variation of the Logback PropertyConverter with the option to specify a default value to use when the property does not exist instead of returning null as does the original Logback implementation.
A TcpAppenderListener that invokes different callbacks for the first successful append/send/connect after a series of failures.
The type of listener callback.
Summary details of consecutive failures
A TcpAppenderListener that logs a warning message on the first append/send/connect success after a series of consecutive failures.
A generic decorator that allows enabling/disabling of Jackson features.
A JsonFactoryDecorator that allows enabling/disabling of JsonFactory features.
A JsonGeneratorDecorator that allows enabling/disabling of JsonGenerator features.
Masks JSON fields within a JSON stream.
Masks values of specific JSON field names within a JSON stream.
Identifies classes that are aware of logstash field names.
A filter used to determine if a request/response header should be included in the log event output.
A simple HeaderFilter that determines whether or not a header is included based on a set of included header names or excluded header names.
Can be implemented by JsonProviders to indicate that the provider needs to be injected with the JsonFactory.
Decorates the JsonGenerator used for serializing json.
Contributes to the JSON output being written for the given Event.
Contains a collection of JsonProviders to be used to write JSON output for an Event.
Utilities for reading/parsing JSON string.
Utilities for writing JSON
A DelegatingStatusListener that filters Status events based on their level (e.g.
Replaced by default methods in interface.
Used to make it make it more convenient to create well-known JsonProviders via xml configuration.
Replaced by default methods in interface.
JsonProvider producing a single JSON field with the ILoggingEvent.getThreadName().
A AccessEventCompositeJsonFormatter that contains a common pre-defined set of JsonProviders.
An appender that sends access events over UDP using a custom Layout.
Common field names between the regular LogstashFormatter and the LogstashAccessFormatter.
Names of standard fields that appear in the JSON output.
A LoggingEventCompositeJsonFormatter that contains a common pre-defined set of JsonProviders.
A Marker that is known and understood by the logstash logback encoder.
A JsonProvider that processes LogstashMarkers (generally created via Markers).
An appender that sends log events over UDP using a custom Layout.
Writes a version field as a string value (by default) or a numeric value (if LogstashVersionJsonProvider.isWriteAsInteger() is true).
A Marker OR StructuredArgument that appends entries from a Map into the logging event output.
Convenience class for constructing various LogstashMarkers used to add fields into the logstash event.
A JsonGenerator that can mask sensitive field values before delegating to a delegate JsonGenerator.
A JsonGeneratorDecorator that wraps a JsonGenerator with a MaskingJsonGenerator, so that sensitive field values can be masked.
Paths to mask, and the value to write as the mask.
Supplies a MaskingJsonGeneratorDecorator.PathMask dynamically at runtime.
Values to mask, and the value to write as the mask.
Supplies a MaskingJsonGeneratorDecorator.ValueMask dynamically at runtime.
Includes MDC properties in the JSON output according to MdcJsonProvider.includeMdcKeyNames and MdcJsonProvider.excludeMdcKeyNames.
A cache for MessageFormat objects.
Writes a JSON pattern node into JSON generator supplied.
Indicates that an event cannot be sent because an outbound connection is not established.
use net.logstash.logback.abbreviator.NullAbbreviator instead
A JsonFactoryDecorator that doesn't do any decoration.
A JsonGeneratorDecorator that doesn't do any decoration.
A Marker OR StructuredArgument that writes an object under a given fieldName in the log event output.
A Marker OR StructuredArgument that that "unwraps" the given object into the logstash event.
Masks values of an absolute or partial path within a JSON stream.
Adapter around a PatternLayoutBase to allow writing the pattern into a supplied StringBuilder instead of returning a String.
These are the default JSON field names that were used to output AccessEvent details in logstash-logback-encoder versions prior to 5.0.
The first destination is considered the "primary" destination.
Enables pretty printing on the JsonGenerator
A Proxy stream which acts as expected, that is it passes the method calls on to the proxied stream and doesn't change which methods are being called (unlike JDK FilterOutputStream).
This strategy attempts connections to the destination in a random order.
A Marker OR StructuredArgument that writes a raw json value to the logstash json event under a given field name.
Masks values based on a regular expression.
A speedy alternative to ByteArrayOutputStream.
Indicates that a ring buffer is full, and therefore cannot enqueue new items.
A JSON provider that, for any log event with a stack trace, adds a root_stack_trace_element JSON object field containing the class name and method name where the outer-most exception was thrown.
This strategy attempts connections to the destination in round robin order.
Slightly shortened versions of the LogstashFieldNames.
A ThrowableHandlingConverter (similar to logback's ThrowableProxyConverter) that formats stacktraces by doing the following: Limits the number of stackTraceElements per throwable (applies to each individual throwable.
Indicates that an action cannot be performed because a shutdown is in progress
JsonGenerator with an optimized implementation of the SimpleObjectJsonGeneratorDelegate.writeObject(Object) method that tries to call appropriate write method for the given untyped Object and delegates to the underlying generator as fallback.
A Marker OR StructuredArgument that appends a single field into the JSON event.
A JsonGeneratorDecorator that allows enabling/disabling of SmileGenerator features.
A JsonFactoryDecorator that will switch the output to binary smile output instead of JSON text.
Component in charge of accepting or rejecting elements when computing a stack trace hash
Utility class that generates a hash from any Java error
A JSON provider that adds a stack_hash Json field on a log with a stack trace
Interface implemented by Encoder that supports writing directly into a OutputStream instead of returning a byte array.
Operations on String that are null safe.
A wrapper for an argument passed to a log method (e.g.
Factory for creating StructuredArguments.
Writes Marker names as an array to the 'tags' field.
Listens to a TCP appender.
Maintains a per-thread value created by the Supplier given to the constructor.
Optional interface that pooled instances may implement if they wish to be notified of life cycle events.
Logs the message of the throwable associated with a given logging event, if any.
Logs the class name of the innermost cause of the throwable associated with a given logging event, if any.
Logs the message of the innermost cause of the throwable associated with a given logging event, if any.
Utilities to obtain Throwables from IThrowableProxies.
Outputs random UUID as field value.
use UuidJsonProvider instead.
Computes a value given an event.
Masks JSON string and number values within a JSON stream.
Creates WaitStrategy objects from strings.
A JsonGeneratorDecorator that allows enabling/disabling of YAMLGenerator features.
A JsonFactoryDecorator that will switch the output to YAML output instead of JSON text.