Class StepAnnotations

  • public final class StepAnnotations
    extends Object
    Utility class used to inject fields into a test case.
    • Method Detail

      • injectScenarioStepsInto

        public void injectScenarioStepsInto​(Object testCase,
                                            StepFactory stepFactory)
        Instantiates the step scenario fields in a test case.
      • instrumentStepsInField

        public void instrumentStepsInField​(Object target,
                                           Field field,
                                           StepFactory stepFactory)
      • injectAnnotatedPagesObjectInto

        public void injectAnnotatedPagesObjectInto​(Object testCase,
                                                   Pages pages)
        Instantiates the @ManagedPages-annotated Pages instance using current WebDriver.
      • injectOptionalAnnotatedPagesObjectInto

        public void injectOptionalAnnotatedPagesObjectInto​(Object testCase,
                                                           Pages pages)
        Instantiates the @ManagedPages-annotated Pages instance using current WebDriver, if the field is present.