Uses of Class

Packages that use IteratorSetting
org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.impl This package exists to store common helpers for configuring MapReduce jobs in a single location. 

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.client

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client with parameters of type IteratorSetting
 void ScannerBase.addScanIterator(IteratorSetting cfg)
          Add a server-side scan iterator.

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin that return IteratorSetting
 IteratorSetting TableOperations.getIteratorSetting(String tableName, String name, IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope)
          Get the settings for an iterator.
 IteratorSetting NamespaceOperations.getIteratorSetting(String namespace, String name, IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope)
          Get the settings for an iterator.

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin that return types with arguments of type IteratorSetting
abstract  List<IteratorSetting> ActiveCompaction.getIterators()

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin with parameters of type IteratorSetting
 void TableOperations.attachIterator(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting)
          Add an iterator to a table on all scopes.
 void NamespaceOperations.attachIterator(String namespace, IteratorSetting setting)
          Add an iterator to a namespace on all scopes.
 void TableOperations.attachIterator(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
          Add an iterator to a table on the given scopes.
 void NamespaceOperations.attachIterator(String namespace, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
          Add an iterator to a namespace on the given scopes.
 void TableOperations.checkIteratorConflicts(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
          Check whether a given iterator configuration conflicts with existing configuration; in particular, determine if the name or priority are already in use for the specified scopes.
 void NamespaceOperations.checkIteratorConflicts(String namespace, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
          Check whether a given iterator configuration conflicts with existing configuration; in particular, determine if the name or priority are already in use for the specified scopes.

Method parameters in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.admin with type arguments of type IteratorSetting
 void TableOperations.compact(String tableName, start, end, List<IteratorSetting> iterators, boolean flush, boolean wait)
          Starts a full major compaction of the tablets in the range (start, end].

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl that return IteratorSetting
 IteratorSetting TableOperationsHelper.getIteratorSetting(String tableName, String name, IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope)
 IteratorSetting NamespaceOperationsHelper.getIteratorSetting(String namespace, String name, IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope)

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl that return types with arguments of type IteratorSetting
 List<IteratorSetting> ActiveCompactionImpl.getIterators()

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl with parameters of type IteratorSetting
 void ScannerOptions.addScanIterator(IteratorSetting si)
          Adds server-side scan iterators.
 void TableOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting)
 void NamespaceOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String namespace, IteratorSetting setting)
 void TableOperationsImpl.attachIterator(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
 void TableOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
 void NamespaceOperationsImpl.attachIterator(String namespace, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
 void NamespaceOperationsHelper.attachIterator(String namespace, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
 void TableOperationsHelper.checkIteratorConflicts(String tableName, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
 void NamespaceOperationsHelper.checkIteratorConflicts(String namespace, IteratorSetting setting, EnumSet<IteratorUtil.IteratorScope> scopes)
 ByteBuffer CompressedIterators.compress(IteratorSetting[] iterators)

Method parameters in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.impl with type arguments of type IteratorSetting
 void TableOperationsImpl.compact(String tableName, start, end, List<IteratorSetting> iterators, boolean flush, boolean wait)

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred that return types with arguments of type IteratorSetting
protected static List<IteratorSetting> InputFormatBase.getIterators(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job)
          Gets a list of the iterator settings (for iterators to apply to a scanner) from this configuration.

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred with parameters of type IteratorSetting
static void InputFormatBase.addIterator(org.apache.hadoop.mapred.JobConf job, IteratorSetting cfg)
          Encode an iterator on the input for this job.

Method parameters in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapred with type arguments of type IteratorSetting
protected  void InputFormatBase.RecordReaderBase.setupIterators(List<IteratorSetting> iterators, Scanner scanner)
          Apply the configured iterators to the scanner.

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce that return types with arguments of type IteratorSetting
 List<IteratorSetting> RangeInputSplit.getIterators()
 List<IteratorSetting> InputTableConfig.getIterators()
          Returns the iterators to be set on this configuration
protected static List<IteratorSetting> InputFormatBase.getIterators(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.JobContext context)
          Gets a list of the iterator settings (for iterators to apply to a scanner) from this configuration.

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce with parameters of type IteratorSetting
static void InputFormatBase.addIterator(org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.Job job, IteratorSetting cfg)
          Encode an iterator on the single input table for this job.

Method parameters in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce with type arguments of type IteratorSetting
 void RangeInputSplit.setIterators(List<IteratorSetting> iterators)
 InputTableConfig InputTableConfig.setIterators(List<IteratorSetting> iterators)
          Set iterators on to be used in the query.

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.impl

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.impl that return types with arguments of type IteratorSetting
static List<IteratorSetting> InputConfigurator.getIterators(Class<?> implementingClass, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
          Gets a list of the iterator settings (for iterators to apply to a scanner) from this configuration.

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.impl with parameters of type IteratorSetting
static void InputConfigurator.addIterator(Class<?> implementingClass, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, IteratorSetting cfg)
          Encode an iterator on the input for the single input table associated with this job.

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.util

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.util that return types with arguments of type IteratorSetting
static List<IteratorSetting> InputConfigurator.getIterators(Class<?> implementingClass, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf)
          Deprecated. since 1.6.0; Configure your job with the appropriate InputFormat or OutputFormat.

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.client.mapreduce.lib.util with parameters of type IteratorSetting
static void InputConfigurator.addIterator(Class<?> implementingClass, org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf, IteratorSetting cfg)
          Deprecated. since 1.6.0; Configure your job with the appropriate InputFormat or OutputFormat.

Uses of IteratorSetting in

Methods in that return IteratorSetting
 IteratorSetting[] Condition.getIterators()

Methods in with parameters of type IteratorSetting
 Condition Condition.setIterators(IteratorSetting... iterators)
          Set iterators to use when reading the columns value.

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators that return IteratorSetting
static IteratorSetting IteratorUtil.toIteratorSetting(TIteratorSetting tis)

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators that return types with arguments of type IteratorSetting
static List<IteratorSetting> IteratorUtil.decodeIteratorSettings(byte[] enc)
static List<IteratorSetting> IteratorUtil.toIteratorSettings(IteratorConfig ic)

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators with parameters of type IteratorSetting
static void Combiner.setColumns(IteratorSetting is, List<IteratorSetting.Column> columns)
          A convenience method to set which columns a combiner should be applied to.
static void Combiner.setCombineAllColumns(IteratorSetting is, boolean combineAllColumns)
          A convenience method to set the "all columns" option on a Combiner.
static void LongCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is, Class<? extends TypedValueCombiner.Encoder<Long>> encoderClass)
          A convenience method for setting the long encoding type.
static void LongCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is, LongCombiner.Type type)
          A convenience method for setting the long encoding type.
static void LongCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is, String encoderClassName)
          A convenience method for setting the long encoding type.
static void TypedValueCombiner.setLossyness(IteratorSetting is, boolean lossy)
          A convenience method to set the "lossy" option on a TypedValueCombiner.
static void Filter.setNegate(IteratorSetting is, boolean negate)
          A convenience method for setting the negation option on a filter.
static void FirstEntryInRowIterator.setNumScansBeforeSeek(IteratorSetting cfg, int num)
          convenience method to set the option to optimize the frequency of scans vs.
static TIteratorSetting IteratorUtil.toTIteratorSetting(IteratorSetting is)

Method parameters in org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators with type arguments of type IteratorSetting
static byte[] IteratorUtil.encodeIteratorSettings(List<IteratorSetting> iterators)
<K extends<?>,V extends>
IteratorUtil.loadIterators(IteratorUtil.IteratorScope scope, SortedKeyValueIterator<K,V> source, KeyExtent extent, AccumuloConfiguration conf, List<IteratorSetting> iterators, IteratorEnvironment env)
static IteratorConfig IteratorUtil.toIteratorConfig(List<IteratorSetting> iterators)

Uses of IteratorSetting in org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user

Methods in org.apache.accumulo.core.iterators.user with parameters of type IteratorSetting
static void ColumnAgeOffFilter.addTTL(IteratorSetting is, IteratorSetting.Column column, Long ttl)
          A convenience method for adding or changing an age off threshold for a column.
static void VisibilityFilter.filterInvalidLabelsOnly(IteratorSetting setting, boolean featureEnabled)
static void ColumnAgeOffFilter.removeTTL(IteratorSetting is, IteratorSetting.Column column)
          A convenience method for removing an age off threshold for a column.
static void VisibilityFilter.setAuthorizations(IteratorSetting setting, Authorizations auths)
static void TransformingIterator.setAuthorizations(IteratorSetting config, Authorizations auths)
          Configure authorizations used for post transformation filtering.
static void IndexedDocIterator.setColfs(IteratorSetting is, String indexColf, String docColfPrefix)
          A convenience method for setting the index column family and document column family prefix.
static void IntersectingIterator.setColumnFamilies(IteratorSetting cfg,[] columns)
          Encode the columns to be used when iterating.
static void IntersectingIterator.setColumnFamilies(IteratorSetting cfg,[] columns, boolean[] notFlags)
          Encode columns and NOT flags indicating which columns should be negated (docIDs will be excluded if matching negated columns, instead of included).
static void AgeOffFilter.setCurrentTime(IteratorSetting is, Long currentTime)
          A convenience method for setting the current time (from which to measure the age off threshold).
static void IndexedDocIterator.setDocColfPrefix(IteratorSetting is, String docColfPrefix)
          A convenience method for setting the document column family prefix.
static void RegExFilter.setEncoding(IteratorSetting si, String encoding)
          Set the encoding string to use when interpreting characters
static void SummingArrayCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is, Class<? extends TypedValueCombiner.Encoder<List<Long>>> encoderClass)
          A convenience method for setting the encoding type.
static void SummingArrayCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is, String encoderClassName)
          A convenience method for setting the encoding type.
static void SummingArrayCombiner.setEncodingType(IteratorSetting is, SummingArrayCombiner.Type type)
          A convenience method for setting the encoding type.
static void TimestampFilter.setEnd(IteratorSetting is, long end, boolean endInclusive)
          A convenience method for setting the end timestamp accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void TimestampFilter.setEnd(IteratorSetting is, String end, boolean endInclusive)
          A convenience method for setting the end timestamp accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void IndexedDocIterator.setIndexColf(IteratorSetting is, String indexColf)
          A convenience method for setting the index column family.
static void TransformingIterator.setMaxBufferSize(IteratorSetting config, long maxBufferSize)
          Configure the maximum amount of memory that can be used for transformation.
static void LargeRowFilter.setMaxColumns(IteratorSetting is, int maxColumns)
          A convenience method for setting the maximum number of columns to keep.
static void VersioningIterator.setMaxVersions(IteratorSetting cfg, int maxVersions)
          Encode the maximum number of versions to return onto the ScanIterator
static void TimestampFilter.setRange(IteratorSetting is, long start, boolean startInclusive, long end, boolean endInclusive)
          A convenience method for setting the range of timestamps accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void TimestampFilter.setRange(IteratorSetting is, long start, long end)
          A convenience method for setting the range of timestamps accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void TimestampFilter.setRange(IteratorSetting is, String start, boolean startInclusive, String end, boolean endInclusive)
          A convenience method for setting the range of timestamps accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void TimestampFilter.setRange(IteratorSetting is, String start, String end)
          A convenience method for setting the range of timestamps accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void RegExFilter.setRegexs(IteratorSetting si, String rowTerm, String cfTerm, String cqTerm, String valueTerm, boolean orFields)
          Encode the terms to match against in the iterator.
static void RegExFilter.setRegexs(IteratorSetting si, String rowTerm, String cfTerm, String cqTerm, String valueTerm, boolean orFields, boolean matchSubstring)
          Encode the terms to match against in the iterator
static void ColumnSliceFilter.setSlice(IteratorSetting si, String start, boolean startInclusive, String end, boolean endInclusive)
static void ColumnSliceFilter.setSlice(IteratorSetting si, String start, String end)
static void TimestampFilter.setStart(IteratorSetting is, long start, boolean startInclusive)
          A convenience method for setting the start timestamp accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void TimestampFilter.setStart(IteratorSetting is, String start, boolean startInclusive)
          A convenience method for setting the start timestamp accepted by the timestamp filter.
static void GrepIterator.setTerm(IteratorSetting cfg, String term)
          Encode the grep term as an option for a ScanIterator
static void AgeOffFilter.setTTL(IteratorSetting is, Long ttl)
          A convenience method for setting the age off threshold.

Uses of IteratorSetting in

Fields in with type parameters of type IteratorSetting
 Map<String,List<IteratorSetting>> Shell.iteratorProfiles
 Map<String,List<IteratorSetting>> Shell.scanIteratorOptions

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