Class StreamSession

  • public class StreamSession
    extends java.lang.Object
    Handles the streaming a one or more streams to and from a specific remote node.

    Both this node and the remote one will create a similar symmetrical StreamSession. A streaming session has the following life-cycle:

     1. Session Initialization
       (a) A node (the initiator in the following) create a new StreamSession,
           initialize it init(StreamResultFuture), and then start it (start()).
           Starting a session causes a StreamInitMessage to be sent.
       (b) Upon reception of that StreamInitMessage, the follower creates its own StreamSession,
           and initializes it if it still does not exist.
       (c) After the initiator sends the StreamInitMessage, it invokes
           onInitializationComplete() to start the streaming prepare phase.
     2. Streaming preparation phase
       (a) A PrepareSynMessage is sent that includes a) what files/sections this node will stream to the follower
           (stored locally in a StreamTransferTask, one for each table) and b) what the follower needs to
           stream back (stored locally in a StreamReceiveTask, one for each table).
       (b) Upon reception of the PrepareSynMessage, the follower records which files/sections it will receive
           and send back a PrepareSynAckMessage, which contains a summary of the files/sections that will be sent to
           the initiator.
       (c) When the initiator receives the PrepareSynAckMessage, it records which files/sections it will
           receive, and then goes to it's Streaming phase (see next section). If the intiator is to receive files,
           it sends a PrepareAckMessage to the follower to indicate that it can start streaming to the initiator.
       (d) (Optional) If the follower receives a PrepareAckMessage, it enters it's Streaming phase.
     3. Streaming phase
       (a) The streaming phase is started at each node by calling StreamSession#startStreamingFiles(boolean).
           This will send, sequentially on each outbound streaming connection (see StreamingMultiplexedChannel),
           an OutgoingStreamMessage for each stream in each of the StreamTransferTask.
           Each OutgoingStreamMessage consists of a StreamMessageHeader that contains metadata about
           the stream, followed by the stream content itself. Once all the files for a StreamTransferTask are sent,
           the task is marked complete StreamTransferTask.complete(int).
       (b) On the receiving side, the incoming data is written to disk, and once the stream is fully received,
           it will be marked as complete (StreamReceiveTask.received(IncomingStream)). When all streams
           for the StreamReceiveTask have been received, the data is added to the CFS (and 2ndary indexes/MV are built),
            and the task is marked complete (taskCompleted(StreamReceiveTask)).
       (b) If during the streaming of a particular stream an error occurs on the receiving end of a stream
           (it may be either the initiator or the follower), the node will send a SessionFailedMessage
           to the sender and close the stream session.
       (c) When all transfer and receive tasks for a session are complete, the session moves to the Completion phase
     4. Completion phase
       (a) When the initiator finishes streaming, it enters the StreamSession.State.WAIT_COMPLETE state, and waits
           for the follower to send a CompleteMessage once it finishes streaming too. Once the CompleteMessage
           is received, initiator sets its own state to StreamSession.State.COMPLETE and closes all channels attached
           to this session.
    In brief, the message passing looks like this (I for initiator, F for follwer):
     (session init)
     I: StreamInitMessage
     (session prepare)
     I: PrepareSynMessage
     F: PrepareSynAckMessage
     I: PrepareAckMessage
     (stream - this can happen in both directions)
     I: OutgoingStreamMessage
     F: ReceivedMessage
     F: CompleteMessage
    All messages which derive from StreamMessage are sent by the standard internode messaging (via MessagingService, while the actual files themselves are sent by a special "streaming" connection type. See StreamingMultiplexedChannel for details. Because of the asynchronous
    • Field Detail

      • peer

        public final InetAddressAndPort peer
        Streaming endpoint. Each StreamSession is identified by this InetAddressAndPort which is broadcast address of the node streaming.
      • requests

        protected final java.util.Set<StreamRequest> requests
      • failureReason

        public java.lang.String failureReason
    • Method Detail

      • isFollower

        public boolean isFollower()
      • sessionIndex

        public int sessionIndex()
      • getPendingRepair

        public TimeUUID getPendingRepair()
      • isPreview

        public boolean isPreview()
      • init

        public void init​(StreamResultFuture streamResult)
        Bind this session to report to specific StreamResultFuture and perform pre-streaming initialization.
        streamResult - result to report to
      • attachInbound

        public boolean attachInbound​(StreamingChannel channel)
        Attach a channel to this session upon receiving the first inbound message.
        channel - The channel to attach.
        False if the channel was already attached, true otherwise.
      • attachOutbound

        public boolean attachOutbound​(StreamingChannel channel)
        Attach a channel to this session upon sending the first outbound message.
        channel - The channel to attach.
        False if the channel was already attached, true otherwise.
      • start

        public void start()
        invoked by the node that begins the stream session (it may be sending files, receiving files, or both)
      • addStreamRequest

        public void addStreamRequest​(java.lang.String keyspace,
                                     RangesAtEndpoint fullRanges,
                                     RangesAtEndpoint transientRanges,
                                     java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> columnFamilies)
        Request data fetch task to this session. Here, we have to encode both _local_ range transientness (encoded in Replica itself, in RangesAtEndpoint) and _remote_ (source) range transientmess, which is encoded by splitting ranges into full and transient.
        keyspace - Requesting keyspace
        fullRanges - Ranges to retrieve data that will return full data from the source
        transientRanges - Ranges to retrieve data that will return transient data from the source
        columnFamilies - ColumnFamily names. Can be empty if requesting all CF under the keyspace.
      • state

        public void state​(StreamSession.State newState)
        Set current state to newState.
        newState - new state to set
      • isSuccess

        public boolean isSuccess()
        Return if this session completed successfully.
        true if session completed successfully.
      • messageReceived

        public void messageReceived​(StreamMessage message)
      • onInitializationComplete

        public void onInitializationComplete()
        Call back when connection initialization is complete to start the prepare phase.
      • onError

        public io.netty.util.concurrent.Future<?> onError​(java.lang.Throwable e)
        Signal an error to this stream session: if it's an EOF exception, it tries to understand if the socket was closed after completion or because the peer was down, otherwise sends a SessionFailedMessage and closes the session as StreamSession.State.FAILED.
      • prepare

        public void prepare​(java.util.Collection<StreamRequest> requests,
                            java.util.Collection<StreamSummary> summaries)
        Prepare this session for sending/receiving files.
      • countStreamedIn

        public void countStreamedIn​(boolean isEntireSSTable)
      • checkAvailableDiskSpaceAndCompactions

        public static boolean checkAvailableDiskSpaceAndCompactions​(java.util.Collection<StreamSummary> summaries,
                                                                    TimeUUID planId,
                                                                    java.lang.String remoteAddress,
                                                                    boolean isForIncremental)
        Makes sure that we expect to have enough disk space available for the new streams, taking into consideration the ongoing compactions and streams.
      • streamSent

        public void streamSent​(OutgoingStreamMessage message)
        Call back after sending StreamMessageHeader.
        message - sent stream message
      • receive

        public void receive​(IncomingStreamMessage message)
        Call back after receiving a stream.
        message - received stream
      • progress

        public void progress​(java.lang.String filename,
                             ProgressInfo.Direction direction,
                             long bytes,
                             long delta,
                             long total)
      • received

        public void received​(TableId tableId,
                             int sequenceNumber)
      • complete

        public void complete()
        Check if session is completed on receiving StreamMessage.Type.COMPLETE message.
      • sessionFailed

        public void sessionFailed()
        Call back on receiving StreamMessage.Type.SESSION_FAILED message.
      • sessionTimeout

        public void sessionTimeout()
        Call back on receiving StreamMessage.Type.SESSION_FAILED message.
      • getSessionInfo

        public SessionInfo getSessionInfo()
        Current snapshot of this session info.
      • prepareReceiving

        public void prepareReceiving​(StreamSummary summary)
      • getNumRequests

        public int getNumRequests()
      • getNumTransfers

        public int getNumTransfers()
      • createLogTag

        public static java.lang.String createLogTag​(StreamSession session)
      • createLogTag

        public static java.lang.String createLogTag​(StreamSession session,
      • createLogTag

        public static java.lang.String createLogTag​(StreamSession session,
                                                    java.lang.Object channelId)
      • abort

        public void abort()
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • boundStackTrace

        public static java.lang.StringBuilder boundStackTrace​(java.lang.Throwable e,
                                                              int limit,
                                                              java.lang.StringBuilder out)
      • boundStackTrace

        public static java.lang.StringBuilder boundStackTrace​(java.lang.Throwable e,
                                                              int limit,
                                                              int counter,
                                                              java.util.Set<java.lang.Throwable> visited,
                                                              java.lang.StringBuilder out)