Direct Known Subclasses:
BHSDCodec, PopulationCodec, RunCodec

public abstract class Codec extends Object
A Codec allows a sequence of bytes to be decoded into integer values (or vice versa). There are a number of standard Codecs (UDELTA5, UNSIGNED5, BYTE1, CHAR3) that are used in the implementation of many bands; but there are a variety of other ones, and indeed the specification assumes that other combinations of values can result in more specific and efficient formats. There are also a sequence of canonical encodings defined by the Pack200 specification, which allow a Codec to be referred to by canonical number. CodecEncoding.getCodec(int, InputStream, Codec))
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final BHSDCodec
    BCI5 = (5,4): Used for storing branching information in bytecode.
    static final BHSDCodec
    BRANCH5 = (5,4,2): Used for storing branching information in bytecode.
    static final BHSDCodec
    BYTE1 = (1,256): Used for storing plain bytes.
    static final BHSDCodec
    CHAR3 = (3,128): Used for storing text (UTF-8) strings.
    static final BHSDCodec
    DELTA5 = (5,64,1,1): Used for the majority of numerical codings where there is a correlated sequence of signed values.
    static final BHSDCodec
    MDELTA5 = (5,64,2,1): Used for the majority of numerical codings where there is a correlated sequence of signed values, but where most of them are expected to be non-negative.
    static final BHSDCodec
    SIGNED5 = (5,64,1): Used for small signed values.
    static final BHSDCodec
    UDELTA5 = (5,64,0,1): Used for the majority of numerical codings where there is a correlated sequence of unsigned values.
    static final BHSDCodec
    UNSIGNED5 = (5,64): Used for small unsigned values.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    abstract int
    Decode a sequence of bytes from the given input stream, returning the value as a long.
    abstract int
    decode(InputStream in, long last)
    Decode a sequence of bytes from the given input stream, returning the value as a long.
    decodeInts(int n, InputStream in)
    Decodes a sequence of n values from in.
    decodeInts(int n, InputStream in, int firstValue)
    Decodes a sequence of n values from in.
    abstract byte[]
    encode(int value)
    Encode a single value into a sequence of bytes.
    encode(int[] ints)
    Encode a sequence of integers into a byte array
    abstract byte[]
    encode(int value, int last)
    Encode a single value into a sequence of bytes.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • BCI5

      public static final BHSDCodec BCI5
      BCI5 = (5,4): Used for storing branching information in bytecode.
    • BRANCH5

      public static final BHSDCodec BRANCH5
      BRANCH5 = (5,4,2): Used for storing branching information in bytecode.
    • BYTE1

      public static final BHSDCodec BYTE1
      BYTE1 = (1,256): Used for storing plain bytes.
    • CHAR3

      public static final BHSDCodec CHAR3
      CHAR3 = (3,128): Used for storing text (UTF-8) strings. NB This isn't quite the same as UTF-8, but has similar properties; ASCII characters < 127 are stored in a single byte.
    • DELTA5

      public static final BHSDCodec DELTA5
      DELTA5 = (5,64,1,1): Used for the majority of numerical codings where there is a correlated sequence of signed values.
    • MDELTA5

      public static final BHSDCodec MDELTA5
      MDELTA5 = (5,64,2,1): Used for the majority of numerical codings where there is a correlated sequence of signed values, but where most of them are expected to be non-negative.
    • SIGNED5

      public static final BHSDCodec SIGNED5
      SIGNED5 = (5,64,1): Used for small signed values.
    • UDELTA5

      public static final BHSDCodec UDELTA5
      UDELTA5 = (5,64,0,1): Used for the majority of numerical codings where there is a correlated sequence of unsigned values.

      public static final BHSDCodec UNSIGNED5
      UNSIGNED5 = (5,64): Used for small unsigned values.
    • lastBandLength

      public int lastBandLength
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • decode

      public abstract int decode(InputStream in) throws IOException, Pack200Exception
      Decode a sequence of bytes from the given input stream, returning the value as a long. Note that this method can only be applied for non-delta encodings.
      in - the input stream to read from
      the value as a long
      IOException - if there is a problem reading from the underlying input stream
      Pack200Exception - if the encoding is a delta encoding
    • decode

      public abstract int decode(InputStream in, long last) throws IOException, Pack200Exception
      Decode a sequence of bytes from the given input stream, returning the value as a long. If this encoding is a delta encoding (d=1) then the previous value must be passed in as a parameter. If it is a non-delta encoding, then it does not matter what value is passed in, so it makes sense for the value to be passed in by default using code similar to:
       long last = 0;
       while (condition) {
           last = codec.decode(in, last);
           // do something with last
      in - the input stream to read from
      last - the previous value read, which must be supplied if the codec is a delta encoding
      the value as a long
      IOException - if there is a problem reading from the underlying input stream
      Pack200Exception - if there is a problem decoding the value or that the value is invalid
    • decodeInts

      public int[] decodeInts(int n, InputStream in) throws IOException, Pack200Exception
      Decodes a sequence of n values from in. This should probably be used in most cases, since some codecs (such as PopulationCodec) only work when the number of values to be read is known.
      n - the number of values to decode
      in - the input stream to read from
      an array of int values corresponding to values decoded
      IOException - if there is a problem reading from the underlying input stream
      Pack200Exception - if there is a problem decoding the value or that the value is invalid
    • decodeInts

      public int[] decodeInts(int n, InputStream in, int firstValue) throws IOException, Pack200Exception
      Decodes a sequence of n values from in.
      n - the number of values to decode
      in - the input stream to read from
      firstValue - the first value in the band if it has already been read
      an array of int values corresponding to values decoded, with firstValue as the first value in the array.
      IOException - if there is a problem reading from the underlying input stream
      Pack200Exception - if there is a problem decoding the value or that the value is invalid
    • encode

      public abstract byte[] encode(int value) throws Pack200Exception
      Encode a single value into a sequence of bytes. Note that this method can only be used for non-delta encodings.
      value - the value to encode
      the encoded bytes
      Pack200Exception - TODO
    • encode

      public abstract byte[] encode(int value, int last) throws Pack200Exception
      Encode a single value into a sequence of bytes.
      value - the value to encode
      last - the previous value encoded (for delta encodings)
      the encoded bytes
      Pack200Exception - TODO
    • encode

      public byte[] encode(int[] ints) throws Pack200Exception
      Encode a sequence of integers into a byte array
      ints - the values to encode
      byte[] encoded bytes
      Pack200Exception - if there is a problem encoding any of the values