
public class RunCodec extends Codec
A run codec is a grouping of two nested codecs; K values are decoded from the first codec, and the remaining codes are decoded from the remaining codec. Note that since this codec maintains state, the instances are not reusable.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • decode

      Description copied from class: Codec
      Decode a sequence of bytes from the given input stream, returning the value as a long. Note that this method can only be applied for non-delta encodings.
      Specified by:
      decode in class Codec
      in - the input stream to read from
      the value as a long
      IOException - if there is a problem reading from the underlying input stream
      Pack200Exception - if the encoding is a delta encoding
    • decode

      public int decode(InputStream in, long last) throws IOException, Pack200Exception
      Description copied from class: Codec
      Decode a sequence of bytes from the given input stream, returning the value as a long. If this encoding is a delta encoding (d=1) then the previous value must be passed in as a parameter. If it is a non-delta encoding, then it does not matter what value is passed in, so it makes sense for the value to be passed in by default using code similar to:
       long last = 0;
       while (condition) {
           last = codec.decode(in, last);
           // do something with last
      Specified by:
      decode in class Codec
      in - the input stream to read from
      last - the previous value read, which must be supplied if the codec is a delta encoding
      the value as a long
      IOException - if there is a problem reading from the underlying input stream
      Pack200Exception - if there is a problem decoding the value or that the value is invalid
    • decodeInts

      public int[] decodeInts(int n, InputStream in) throws IOException, Pack200Exception
      Description copied from class: Codec
      Decodes a sequence of n values from in. This should probably be used in most cases, since some codecs (such as PopulationCodec) only work when the number of values to be read is known.
      decodeInts in class Codec
      n - the number of values to decode
      in - the input stream to read from
      an array of int values corresponding to values decoded
      IOException - if there is a problem reading from the underlying input stream
      Pack200Exception - if there is a problem decoding the value or that the value is invalid
    • encode

      public byte[] encode(int value) throws Pack200Exception
      Description copied from class: Codec
      Encode a single value into a sequence of bytes. Note that this method can only be used for non-delta encodings.
      Specified by:
      encode in class Codec
      value - the value to encode
      the encoded bytes
      Pack200Exception - TODO
    • encode

      public byte[] encode(int value, int last) throws Pack200Exception
      Description copied from class: Codec
      Encode a single value into a sequence of bytes.
      Specified by:
      encode in class Codec
      value - the value to encode
      last - the previous value encoded (for delta encodings)
      the encoded bytes
      Pack200Exception - TODO
    • getACodec

      public Codec getACodec()
    • getBCodec

      public Codec getBCodec()
    • getK

      public int getK()
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object