Class ComparatorDimensionDictionary<T>

  • public class ComparatorDimensionDictionary<T>
    extends Object
    Comparator based DimensionDictionary there are a lot of unused methods in here for now since the only thing this is used for is to build up the unsorted dictionary and then it is converted to a ComparatorSortedDimensionDictionary, but leaving the unused methods in place for now to be basically compatible with the other implementation. This version is not thread-safe since the only current user doesn't use the dictionary for realtime queries, if this changes we need to add a 'ConcurrentComparatorDimensionDictionary'.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ComparatorDimensionDictionary

        public ComparatorDimensionDictionary​(Comparator<T> comparator)
    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public T getValue​(int id)
      • size

        public int size()
      • sizeInBytes

        public long sizeInBytes()
        Gets the current size of this dictionary in bytes.
        IllegalStateException - if size computation is disabled.
      • add

        public int add​(@Nullable
                       T originalValue)
      • getMinValue

        public T getMinValue()
      • getMaxValue

        public T getMaxValue()
      • getIdForNull

        public int getIdForNull()
      • estimateSizeOfValue

        public long estimateSizeOfValue​(T value)
        Estimates the size of the dimension value in bytes. This method is called only when a new dimension value is being added to the lookup.
        UnsupportedOperationException - Implementations that want to estimate memory must override this method.