All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for implementing streaming demarcators.
IMPORTANT: This component is not part of public API! ====================================================
An UpdateMonitor that combines multiple UpdateMonitors such that it will indicate a change in a file only if ALL sub-monitors indicate a change.
A utility class that can be used to determine whether or not a String matches a given date/time format, as specified by the Time Format used in SimpleDateFormat.
A utility class containing a few useful static methods to do typical IO operations.
Flow File Media Type Definition
This enum class contains flow file attribute keys commonly used among Split processors.
This class extends the GZIPOutputStream by allowing the constructor to provide a compression level, and uses a default value of 1, rather than 5.
A demarcator that scans an InputStream for line endings (carriage returns and new lines) and returns lines of text one-at-a-time.
An implementation of the DateTimeMatcher that accepts in its constructor a List of delegate DateTimeMatchers.
Message Digest Utilities for standardized algorithm use within the framework
An InputStream that will throw EOFException if the underlying InputStream runs out of data before reaching the configured minimum amount of data
A RingBuffer that can be used to scan byte sequences for subsequences.
Wraps and InputStream so that the underlying InputStream cannot be closed.
OutputStream that throws away all data, just like as if writing to /dev/null
Thread-safe implementation of a RingBuffer
Defines an interface that can be used to iterate over all of the elements in the RingBuffer via the RingBuffer.forEach(org.apache.nifi.util.RingBuffer.ForEachEvaluator<T>) method
Defines an interface to search for content given a set of search terms.
This is an immutable thread safe object representing a search term
FlowFile attributes used during site-to-site transfer.
Enumeration of standard Flow File Media Types
A DateTimeMatcher that bases its decision purely on whether or not the first X number of characters in the input text are digits.
The StreamDemarcator class takes an input stream and demarcates it so it could be read (see StreamDemarcator.nextToken()) as individual byte[] demarcated by the provided delimiter (see 'delimiterBytes').
Fluent api for checking one or more strings and selecting the first non-empty one.
Allows the user to configure a Path to watch for modifications and periodically poll to check if the file has been modified
Implementation of demarcator of text lines in the provided InputStream.
Container to hold offset and meta info for a computed text line.
Indicates that the user disabled transmission while communications were taking place with a peer
This class extends the ZipOutputStream by providing a constructor that allows the user to specify the compression level.