Class MarkupFactory

  extended by org.apache.wicket.markup.MarkupFactory

public class MarkupFactory
extends Object

Factory to load markup either from cache or from a resource.

This class is the main entry point to load markup. Nothing else should be required by Components. It manages caching markup as well as loading and merging (inheritance) of markup.

The markup returned is immutable as it gets re-used across multiple Component instances.

Juergen Donnerstag

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
protected  boolean checkMarkupType(MarkupContainer container)
          Without a markup type we can not search for a file and we can not construct the cacheKey.
static MarkupFactory get()
 Class<?> getContainerClass(MarkupContainer container, Class<?> clazz)
          Gets and checks the container class
 Markup getMarkup(MarkupContainer container, boolean enforceReload)
          Get the markup associated with the container.
 Markup getMarkup(MarkupContainer container, Class<?> clazz, boolean enforceReload)
          Get the markup associated with the container.
 IMarkupCache getMarkupCache()
          Get the markup cache which is registered with the factory.
 IMarkupLoader getMarkupLoader()
          MarkupLoaders are responsible to find and load the markup for a component.
 MarkupResourceStream getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer container, Class<?> clazz)
          Create a new markup resource stream for the container and optionally the Class.
protected  IMarkupResourceStreamProvider getMarkupResourceStreamProvider(MarkupContainer container)
          Get the markup resource stream provider registered with the factory.
 boolean hasMarkupCache()
 Markup loadMarkup(MarkupContainer container, MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream, boolean enforceReload)
          Loads markup from a resource stream.
 MarkupParser newMarkupParser(MarkupResourceStream resource)
          Create a new markup parser.
protected  IXmlPullParser newXmlPullParser()
          Subclasses can override this to use custom parsers.
protected  IMarkupFilter onAppendMarkupFilter(IMarkupFilter filter)
          A callback method that is invoked prior to any IMarkupFilter being registered with MarkupParser.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MarkupFactory()

Method Detail


public static MarkupFactory get()
Gets the markup factory registered with the Wicket application


public IMarkupLoader getMarkupLoader()
MarkupLoaders are responsible to find and load the markup for a component. That may be a single file, but e.g. like in markup inheritance it could also be that the markup from different sources must be merged.

By default an instance of DefaultMarkupLoader will be returned. Via subclassing you may return your own markup loader (chain).


public MarkupParser newMarkupParser(MarkupResourceStream resource)
Create a new markup parser. Markup parsers read the markup and dissect it in Wicket relevant pieces MarkupElement's (kind of Wicket's DOM).

MarkupParser's can be extended by means of IMarkupFilter. You can add your own filter as follows:

    public MyMarkupFactory {
      public MarkupParser newMarkupParser(final MarkupResourceStream resource) {
         MarkupParser parser = super.newMarkupParser(resource);
         parser.add(new MyFilter());
         return parser;

resource - The resource containing the markup
A fresh instance of MarkupParser
See Also:


protected IXmlPullParser newXmlPullParser()
Subclasses can override this to use custom parsers.

parser instance used by MarkupParser to parse markup.


protected IMarkupFilter onAppendMarkupFilter(IMarkupFilter filter)
A callback method that is invoked prior to any IMarkupFilter being registered with MarkupParser. Hence it allows to: Note that a new MarkupParser instance is created for each markup resources being loaded.

filter - The filter to be registered with the MarkupParser
The filter to be added. Null to ignore.


public IMarkupCache getMarkupCache()
Get the markup cache which is registered with the factory. Since the factory is registered with the application, only one cache per application exists.

Please note that markup cache is a pull through cache. It'll invoke a factory method getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer, Class) to load the markup if not yet available in the cache.

Null, to disable caching.


public boolean hasMarkupCache()
true if markup cache is available. Make sure you called getMarkupCache() at least once before to initialize the cache.


public final Markup getMarkup(MarkupContainer container,
                              boolean enforceReload)
Get the markup associated with the container.

container - The container to find the markup for
enforceReload - If true, the cache will be ignored and all, including inherited markup files, will be reloaded. Whatever is in the cache, it will be ignored
The markup associated with the container. Null, if the markup was not found or could not yet be loaded (e.g. getMarkupType() == null). Wicket Exception in case of errors.


public final Markup getMarkup(MarkupContainer container,
                              Class<?> clazz,
                              boolean enforceReload)
Get the markup associated with the container. Check the cache first. If not found, than load the markup and update the cache.

The clazz parameter usually can be null, except for base (inherited) markup.

There are several means to disable markup caching. Caching can be disabled alltogether - getMarkupCache() return null -, or individually (cacheKey == null).

container - The container to find the markup for
clazz - Must be the container class or any of its super classes. May be null.
enforceReload - The cache will be ignored and all, including inherited markup files, will be reloaded. Whatever is in the cache, it will be ignored
The markup associated with the container. Null, if the markup was not found or could not yet be loaded (e.g. getMarkupType() == null). Wicket Exception in case of errors.


protected final boolean checkMarkupType(MarkupContainer container)
Without a markup type we can not search for a file and we can not construct the cacheKey. We can not even load associated markup as required for Panels. Though every MarkupContainer can provide it's own type, by default they refer to the Page. Hence, no markup type is an indicator, that the component or any of its parents, has not yet been added.

container - The MarkupContainer which markup type has to checked
true, if container.getMarkupType() != null


protected final IMarkupResourceStreamProvider getMarkupResourceStreamProvider(MarkupContainer container)
Get the markup resource stream provider registered with the factory.

If the 'container' implements IMarkupResourceStreamProvider, the container itself will be asked to provide the resource stream. Else Wicket's default implementation will be used.

container - The MarkupContainer requesting the markup resource stream


public final MarkupResourceStream getMarkupResourceStream(MarkupContainer container,
                                                          Class<?> clazz)
Create a new markup resource stream for the container and optionally the Class. The Class must be provided in case of base (inherited) markup. Else it might be null (standard use case).

container - The MarkupContainer which requests to load the Markup resource stream
clazz - Either the container class or any super class. Might be null.
A IResourceStream if the resource was found


public final Class<?> getContainerClass(MarkupContainer container,
                                        Class<?> clazz)
Gets and checks the container class

container - The MarkupContainer which requests to load the Markup resource stream
clazz - Either null, or a super class of container
The container class to be used


public final Markup loadMarkup(MarkupContainer container,
                               MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream,
                               boolean enforceReload)
Loads markup from a resource stream. It'll call the registered markup loader to load the markup.

Though the 'enforceReload' attribute seem to imply that the cache is consulted to retrieve the markup, the cache in fact is only checked for retrieving the base (inherited) markup. Please see getMarkup(MarkupContainer, boolean) as well.

container - The original requesting markup container
markupResourceStream - The markup resource stream to load, if already known.
enforceReload - The cache will be ignored and all, including inherited markup files, will be reloaded. Whatever is in the cache, it will be ignored
The markup. Null, if the markup was not found. Wicket Exception in case of errors.

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