Interface IMarkupLoader

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultMarkupLoader, InheritedMarkupMarkupLoader, SimpleMarkupLoader

public interface IMarkupLoader

IMarkupLoader are loading the markup for a specific Wicket container and resource stream. By default that is a file. But e.g. in case of markup inheritance it means that 2+ markup files must be read and merged. In order to be flexible the interface has been designed in a way that multiple IMarkupLoader can be chained to easily build up more complex loaders.

As a Wicket user you should not need to use any markup loader directly. Instead use MarkupFactory.getMarkup(MarkupContainer, boolean).

Juergen Donnerstag
See Also:
MarkupCache, MarkupParser, MarkupFactory

Method Summary
 Markup loadMarkup(MarkupContainer container, MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream, IMarkupLoader baseLoader, boolean enforceReload)
          Loads markup from a resource stream.

Method Detail


Markup loadMarkup(MarkupContainer container,
                  MarkupResourceStream markupResourceStream,
                  IMarkupLoader baseLoader,
                  boolean enforceReload)
                  throws IOException,
Loads markup from a resource stream.

container - The original requesting markup container
markupResourceStream - The markup resource stream to load
baseLoader - This parameter can be use to chain IMarkupLoaders
enforceReload - The cache will be ignored and all, including inherited markup files, will be reloaded. Whatever is in the cache, it will be ignored
The markup

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