
trait Effect[R, A]

Union represents one effect T[_] embedded in a tree of possible effects R

The effect tree is represented by four possible cases:

  • fx1[T]
  • fx2[T1, T2]
  • fx3[T1, T2, T3]
  • FxAppend[L, R]

The union type has three concrete constructors:

  • UnionAppendL(nested: Union[L]): Union[FxAppend[L, R]]
  • UnionAppendR(nested: Union[R]): Union[FxAppend[L, R]]
  • UnionTagged(valueUnsafe: Any, index: Int): Union[R] (for R in fx1, fx2, fx3...) In that respect UnionTagged behaves similarly to a tagged union in C or C++.
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class NoEffect[R, A]
trait Union[R, A]
class UnionAppendL[L, R, A]
class UnionAppendR[L, R, A]
class UnionTagged[R, A]

Type members


type X = A