
Effect for computations depending on an environment.

The inside datatype for this effect is

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object all

Value members

Inherited methods

def ask[R, T](implicit member: MemberIn[[_] =>> Reader[T, _$1], R]): Eff[R, T]

get the environment

get the environment

Inherited from
def local[R, T, U](f: T => U)(implicit member: MemberIn[[_] =>> Reader[T, _$2], R]): Eff[R, U]

modify the environment

modify the environment

Inherited from
def localKleisli[R, T, U, F[_]](f: T => F[U])(implicit member: MemberIn[[_] =>> Kleisli[F, T, _$5], R]): Eff[R, U]

modify the environment using a Kleisli[F, T, *]

modify the environment using a Kleisli[F, T, *]

Inherited from
def localReader[R, T, A](e: Eff[R, A])(modify: T => T)(implicit r: MemberInOut[[_] =>> Reader[T, _$22], R]): Eff[R, A]

Update the read value, the stack of the Eff computation stays the same

Update the read value, the stack of the Eff computation stays the same

Inherited from
def runKleisli[R, U, S, A, F[_]](env: S)(e: Eff[R, A])(implicit mx: Aux[[_] =>> Kleisli[F, S, _$12], R, U], m: MemberIn[F, U]): Eff[U, A]

interpret the Kleisli effect by providing an environment when required and translating the resulting target effect into the same stack

interpret the Kleisli effect by providing an environment when required and translating the resulting target effect into the same stack

Inherited from
def runReader[R, U, A, B](env: A)(effect: Eff[R, B])(implicit m: Aux[[_] =>> Reader[A, _$7], R, U]): Eff[U, B]

interpret the Reader effect by providing an environment when required

interpret the Reader effect by providing an environment when required

Inherited from
def translateReader[R, U, S, B, A](e: Eff[R, A], getter: B => S)(implicit sr: Aux[[_] =>> Reader[S, _$14], R, U], br: MemberIn[[_] =>> Reader[B, _$15], U]): Eff[U, A]

Interpret a Reader effect by using another Reader effect in the same stack

Interpret a Reader effect by using another Reader effect in the same stack

Inherited from
def zoomReader[R1, R2, U, S, T, A](e: Eff[R1, A])(f: T => S)(implicit readerS: Aux[[_] =>> Reader[S, _$18], R1, U], readerT: Aux[[_] =>> Reader[T, _$19], R2, U]): Eff[R2, A]

Modify the type of the read value

Modify the type of the read value

This changes the stack of the Eff computation

Inherited from