Class NDNCigarReadTransformer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Function<GATKRead,GATKRead>, UnaryOperator<GATKRead>, ReadTransformer, SerializableFunction<GATKRead,GATKRead>

public final class NDNCigarReadTransformer extends Object implements ReadTransformer
A read transformer that refactors NDN cigar elements to one N element.

This read transformer will refactor cigar strings that contain N-D-N elements to one N element (with total length of the three refactored elements). This is intended primarily for users of RNA-Seq data handling programs such as TopHat2. Currently we consider that the internal N-D-N motif is illegal and we error out when we encounter it. By refactoring the cigar string of those specific reads, users of TopHat and other tools can circumvent this problem without affecting the rest of their dataset.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NDNCigarReadTransformer

      public NDNCigarReadTransformer()
  • Method Details