Class SAMFileDestination


public final class SAMFileDestination extends HaplotypeBAMDestination
Class used to direct output from a HaplotypeBAMWriter to a bam/sam file.
  • Constructor Details

    • SAMFileDestination

      public SAMFileDestination(Path outPath, boolean createBamOutIndex, boolean createBamOutMD5, htsjdk.samtools.SAMFileHeader sourceHeader, Optional<String> haplotypeReadGroupID)
      Create a new file destination.
      outPath - path where output is written (doesn't have to be local)
      createBamOutIndex - true to create an index file for the bamout
      createBamOutMD5 - true to create an md5 file for the bamout
      sourceHeader - SAMFileHeader used to seed the output SAMFileHeader for this destination, must not be null
      haplotypeReadGroupID - read group ID used when writing haplotypes as reads. Empty if HaplotypeBAMWriter.WriterType == NO_HAPLOTYPES.
  • Method Details

    • add

      public void add(GATKRead read)
      Write a read to the output file specified by this destination.
      Specified by:
      add in class HaplotypeBAMDestination
      read - the read to write out, must not be null