Interface Machine

    • Field Detail

      • NULL

        static final Machine NULL
        An attribute that implements the Null Object Design Pattern for Machine objects.
    • Method Detail

      • getBw

        Resource getBw()
        Gets the machine bandwidth (bw) capacity in Megabits/s.
        the machine bw capacity
      • getRam

        Resource getRam()
        Gets the machine memory resource in Megabytes.
        the machine memory
      • getStorage

        Resource getStorage()
        Gets the storage device of the machine with capacity in Megabytes.
        the machine storage device
      • getNumberOfPes

        long getNumberOfPes()
        Gets the overall number of Pes the machine has, that include PEs of all statuses, including failed PEs.
        the machine's number of PEs
      • getMips

        double getMips()
        Gets the individual MIPS capacity of any machine's Pe, considering that all PEs have the same capacity.
        the MIPS capacity of a single Pe
      • getTotalMipsCapacity

        double getTotalMipsCapacity()
        Gets total MIPS capacity of all PEs of the machine.
        the total MIPS of all PEs
      • getSimulation

        Simulation getSimulation()
        Gets the CloudSim instance that represents the simulation the Entity is related to.
      • validateCapacity

        static void validateCapacity​(double capacity)
        Validates a capacity for a machine resource.
        capacity - the capacity to check